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    精神病患者的照顾者 = Carers of people with a mental illness / Multicultural Mental Health Australia.

    Jing shen bing huan zhe de zhao gu zhe = Carers of people with a mental illness / Multicultural Mental Health Australia.

    Author / Creator:Multicultural Mental Health Australia author.
    Publisher:Parramatta, N.S.W. Multicultural Mental Health Australia. 2011.
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    Beyond words [elctronic resource] : lessons on translat...

    Publisher:Parramatta, N.S.W. : Multicultural Mental Health Australia, 2005.
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    Freely accesible: Publisher site.
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    精神健康系统内消费者的权利和义务 = Consumer rights and responsibilities in the mental health system / Multicultural Mental Health Australia.

    Jing shen jian kang xi tong nei xiao fei zhe de quan li he yi wu = Consumer rights and responsibilities in the mental health system / Multicultural Mental Health Australia.

    Author / Creator:Multicultural Mental Health Australia author.
    Publisher:Parramatta, N.S.W. Multicultural Mental Health Australia. 2011.
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    Publisher:Parramatta, N.S.W. : The Network, 1999-
    Call Numbers:TQ043549
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    Freely accesible: Online.