ExportPrintEmailExport this recordExport to excelPrintExport record to excelFile type to downloadXLSXCSVBeta versionSelect record 1ManuscriptsLetters of Henry and John Baker, 1838-1862, mainly from Henry to his parents in LondonAuthor / Creator:Baker family Date:1838-1862Call Numbers:MLMSS 513For use in the LibrarySee Full Recordpreview record
ExportPrintEmailExport this recordExport to excelPrintExport record to excelFile type to downloadXLSXCSVBeta versionSelect record 2ManuscriptsAutograph letters signed (2), from Henry Baker, from London, to his father, Dr. B. Baker, 11 November 1846 and 12 November 1846, informing him of his appointment as surgeon on the Thomas ArbuthnotAuthor / Creator:Baker, Henry Date:11 November 1846; 12 November 1846Call Numbers:MLDOC 1777For use in the LibrarySee Full Recordpreview record
ExportPrintEmailExport this recordExport to excelPrintExport record to excelFile type to downloadXLSXCSVBeta versionSelect record 3ManuscriptsHolograph letters (21) from Henry Baker to his mother and father, 1845-1846Date:1845-1846Call Numbers:Ab 180For use in the LibrarySee Full Recordpreview record