19 results for Aubert,+Geraldine

19 results for Aubert,+Geraldine

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    Author / Creator:Aubert, Geraldine ; Baerlocher, Gabriela M ; Vulto, Irma ; Poon, Steven S ; Lansdorp, Peter M
    Publisher:United States: Public Library of Science
    Journal title:PLoS genetics, 2012-05, Vol.8 (5), p.e1002696-e1002696
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    Author / Creator:Richard, Melissa A ; Lupo, Philip J ; Morton, Lindsay M ; Yasui, Yutaka A ; Sapkota, Yadav A ; Arnold, Michael A ; Aubert, Geraldine ; Neglia, Joseph P ; Turcotte, Lucie M ; Leisenring, Wendy M ; Sampson, Joshua N ; Chanock, Stephen J ; Hudson, Melissa M ; Armstrong, Gregory T ; Robison, Leslie L ; Bhatia, Smita ; Gramatges, Maria Monica
    Publisher:United States: Public Library of Science
    Journal title:PloS one, 2020-02, Vol.15 (2), p.e0228887-e0228887
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    Author / Creator:Andreu-Sánchez, Sergio ; Aubert, Geraldine ; Ripoll-Cladellas, Aida ; Henkelman, Sandra ; Zhernakova, Daria V. ; Sinha, Trishla ; Kurilshikov, Alexander ; Cenit, Maria Carmen ; Jan Bonder, Marc ; Franke, Lude ; Wijmenga, Cisca ; Fu, Jingyuan ; van der Wijst, Monique G. P. ; Melé, Marta ; Lansdorp, Peter ; Zhernakova, Alexandra
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Communications biology, 2022-06, Vol.5 (1), p.565-14, Article 565
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    Author / Creator:Wang, Youjin ; Savage, Sharon A ; Alsaggaf, Rotana ; Aubert, Geraldine ; Dagnall, Casey L ; Spellman, Stephen R ; Lee, Stephanie J ; Hicks, Belynda ; Jones, Kristine ; Katki, Hormuzd A ; Gadalla, Shahinaz M
    Publisher:Switzerland: MDPI AG
    Journal title:Cells (Basel, Switzerland), 2018-10, Vol.7 (11), p.183
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    Author / Creator:Bertaina, Alice ; Grimm, Paul C. ; Weinberg, Kenneth ; Parkman, Robertson ; Kristovich, Karen M. ; Barbarito, Giulia ; Lippner, Elizabeth ; Dhamdhere, Girija ; Ramachandran, Vasavi ; Spatz, Jordan M. ; Fathallah-Shaykh, Sahar ; Atkinson, T. Prescott ; Al-Uzri, Amira ; Aubert, Geraldine ; van der Elst, Kim ; Green, Sean G. ; Agarwal, Rajni ; Slepicka, Priscila F. ; Shah, Ami J. ; Roncarolo, Maria G. ; Gallo, Amy ; Concepcion, Waldo ; Lewis, David B.
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2022-06, Vol.386 (24), p.2295-2302
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    Author / Creator:Tomlinson, Christopher G. ; Sasa, Ghadir ; Aubert, Geraldine ; Martin-Giacalone, Bailey ; Plon, Sharon E. ; Bryan, Tracy M. ; Bertuch, Alison A. ; Gramatges, Maria M.
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Leukemia, 2021-01, Vol.35 (1), p.269-273
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    Author / Creator:Pilsworth, Jessica A. ; Cochrane, Dawn R. ; Xia, Zhouchunyang ; Aubert, Geraldine ; Färkkilä, Anniina E.M. ; Horlings, Hugo M. ; Yanagida, Satoshi ; Yang, Winnie ; Lim, Jamie L.P. ; Wang, Yi Kan ; Bashashati, Ali ; Keul, Jacqueline ; Wong, Adele ; Norris, Kevin ; Brucker, Sara Y. ; Taran, Florin-Andrei ; Krämer, Bernhard ; Staebler, Annette ; van Meurs, Hannah ; Oliva, Esther ; Shah, Sohrab P. ; Kommoss, Stefan ; Kommoss, Friedrich ; Gilks, C. Blake ; Baird, Duncan M. ; Huntsman, David G.
    Publisher:New York: Elsevier Inc
    Journal title:Modern pathology, 2018-07, Vol.31 (7), p.1107-1115
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    Author / Creator:Khincha, Payal P ; Dagnall, Casey L ; Hicks, Belynda ; Jones, Kristine ; Aviv, Abraham ; Kimura, Masayuki ; Katki, Hormuzd ; Aubert, Geraldine ; Giri, Neelam ; Alter, Blanche P ; Savage, Sharon A ; Gadalla, Shahinaz M
    Publisher:Switzerland: MDPI AG
    Journal title:International journal of molecular sciences, 2017-08, Vol.18 (8), p.1765
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    Author / Creator:Higgs, Cecilia ; Crow, Yanick J. ; Adams, Denise M. ; Chang, Emmanuel ; Hayes, Don ; Herbig, Utz ; Huang, James N. ; Himes, Ryan ; Jajoo, Kunal ; Johnson, F. Brad ; Reynolds, Susan D. ; Yonekawa, Yoshihiro ; Armanios, Mary ; Boulad, Farid ; DiNardo, Courtney D. ; Dufour, Carlo ; Goldman, Frederick D. ; Khan, Shakila ; Kratz, Christian ; Myers, Kasiani C. ; Raghu, Ganesh ; Alter, Blanche P. ; Aubert, Geraldine ; Bhala, Sonia ; Cowen, Edward W. ; Dror, Yigal ; El-Youssef, Mounif ; Friedman, Bruce ; Giri, Neelam ; Helms Guba, Lisa ; Khincha, Payal P. ; Lin, Tiffany F. ; Longhurst, Hilary ; McReynolds, Lisa J. ; Nelson, Adam ; Olson, Tim ; Pariser, Anne ; Perona, Rosario ; Sasa, Ghadir ; Schratz, Kristen ; Simonetto, Douglas A. ; Townsley, Danielle ; Walsh, Michael ; Stevens, Katherine ; Agarwal, Suneet ; Bertuch, Alison A. ; Savage, Sharon A.
    Publisher:Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands
    Journal title:Angiogenesis (London), 2019-02, Vol.22 (1), p.95-102
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    Author / Creator:Pilsworth, Jessica A. ; Cochrane, Dawn R. ; Xia, Zhouchunyang ; Aubert, Geraldine ; Färkkilä, Anniina E. M. ; Horlings, Hugo M. ; Yanagida, Satoshi ; Yang, Winnie ; Lim, Jamie L. P. ; Wang, Yi Kan ; Bashashati, Ali ; Keul, Jacqueline ; Wong, Adele ; Norris, Kevin ; Brucker, Sara Y. ; Taran, Florin-Andrei ; Krämer, Bernhard ; Staebler, Annette ; van Meurs, Hannah ; Oliva, Esther ; Shah, Sohrab P. ; Kommoss, Stefan ; Kommoss, Friedrich ; Gilks, C. Blake ; Baird, Duncan M. ; Huntsman, David G.
    Publisher:New York: Nature Publishing Group US
    Journal title:Modern pathology, 2019-04, Vol.32 (4), p.593-593
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    Author / Creator:Dixon, Katherine ; Young, Sean ; Shen, Yaoqing ; Thibodeau, My Linh ; Fok, Alexandra ; Pleasance, Erin ; Zhao, Eric ; Jones, Martin ; Aubert, Geraldine ; Armstrong, Linlea ; Virani, Alice ; Regier, Dean ; Gelmon, Karen ; Renouf, Dan ; Chia, Stephen ; Bosdet, Ian ; Rassekh, S Rod ; Deyell, Rebecca J ; Yip, Stephen ; Fisic, Ana ; Titmuss, Emma ; Abadi, Shirin ; Jones, Steven J M ; Sun, Sophie ; Karsan, Aly ; Marra, Marco ; Laskin, Janessa ; Lim, Howard ; Schrader, Kasmintan A
    Publisher:Oxford: Oxford University Press
    Journal title:JNCI cancer spectrum, 2020-10, Vol.4 (5)
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    Author / Creator:Jenkinson, Emma M ; Rodero, Mathieu P ; Kasher, Paul R ; Uggenti, Carolina ; Oojageer, Anthony ; Goosey, Laurence C ; Rose, Yoann ; Kershaw, Christopher J ; Urquhart, Jill E ; Williams, Simon G ; Bhaskar, Sanjeev S ; O'Sullivan, James ; Baerlocher, Gabriela M ; Haubitz, Monika ; Aubert, Geraldine ; Barañano, Kristin W ; Barnicoat, Angela J ; Battini, Roberta ; Berger, Andrea ; Blair, Edward M ; Brunstrom-Hernandez, Janice E ; Buckard, Johannes A ; Cassiman, David M ; Caumes, Rosaline ; Cordelli, Duccio M ; De Waele, Liesbeth M ; Fay, Alexander J ; Ferreira, Patrick ; Fletcher, Nicholas A ; Fryer, Alan E ; Goel, Himanshu ; Hemingway, Cheryl A ; Henneke, Marco ; Hughes, Imelda ; Jefferson, Rosalind J ; Kumar, Ram ; Lagae, Lieven ; Landrieu, Pierre G ; Lourenço, Charles M ; Malpas, Timothy J ; Mehta, Sarju G ; Metz, Imke ; Naidu, Sakkubai ; Õunap, Katrin ; Panzer, Axel ; Prabhakar, Prab ; Quaghebeur, Gerardine ; Schiffmann, Raphael ; Sherr, Elliott H ; Sinnathuray, Kanaga R ; Soh, Calvin ; Stewart, Helen S ; Stone, John ; Van Esch, Hilde ; Van Mol, Christine E G ; Vanderver, Adeline ; Wakeling, Emma L ; Whitney, Andrea ; Pavitt, Graham D ; Griffiths-Jones, Sam ; Rice, Gillian I ; Revy, Patrick ; van der Knaap, Marjo S ; Livingston, John H ; O'Keefe, Raymond T ; Crow, Yanick J
    Publisher:United States: Nature Publishing Group
    Journal title:Nature genetics, 2017-02, Vol.49 (2), p.317
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    Author / Creator:Jenkinson, Emma M ; Rodero, Mathieu P ; Kasher, Paul R ; Uggenti, Carolina ; Oojageer, Anthony ; Goosey, Laurence C ; Rose, Yoann ; Kershaw, Christopher J ; Urquhart, Jill E ; Williams, Simon G ; Bhaskar, Sanjeev S ; O'Sullivan, James ; Baerlocher, Gabriela M ; Haubitz, Monika ; Aubert, Geraldine ; Barañano, Kristin W ; Barnicoat, Angela J ; Battini, Roberta ; Berger, Andrea ; Blair, Edward M ; Brunstrom-Hernandez, Janice E ; Buckard, Johannes A ; Cassiman, David M ; Caumes, Rosaline ; Cordelli, Duccio M ; De Waele, Liesbeth M ; Fay, Alexander J ; Ferreira, Patrick ; Fletcher, Nicholas A ; Fryer, Alan E ; Goel, Himanshu ; Hemingway, Cheryl A ; Henneke, Marco ; Hughes, Imelda ; Jefferson, Rosalind J ; Kumar, Ram ; Lagae, Lieven ; Landrieu, Pierre G ; Lourenço, Charles M ; Malpas, Timothy J ; Mehta, Sarju G ; Metz, Imke ; Naidu, Sakkubai ; Õunap, Katrin ; Panzer, Axel ; Prabhakar, Prab ; Quaghebeur, Gerardine ; Schiffmann, Raphael ; Sherr, Elliott H ; Sinnathuray, Kanaga R ; Soh, Calvin ; Stewart, Helen S ; Stone, John ; Van Esch, Hilde ; Van Mol, Christine E G ; Vanderver, Adeline ; Wakeling, Emma L ; Whitney, Andrea ; Pavitt, Graham D ; Griffiths-Jones, Sam ; Rice, Gillian I ; Revy, Patrick ; van der Knaap, Marjo S ; Livingston, John H ; O'Keefe, Raymond T ; Crow, Yanick J
    Publisher:New York: Nature Publishing Group US
    Journal title:Nature genetics, 2017-02, Vol.49 (2), p.317-317
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    Author / Creator:Jenkinson, Emma M ; Rodero, Mathieu P ; Kasher, Paul R ; Uggenti, Carolina ; Oojageer, Anthony ; Goosey, Laurence C ; Rose, Yoann ; Kershaw, Christopher J ; Urquhart, Jill E ; Williams, Simon G ; Bhaskar, Sanjeev S ; O'Sullivan, James ; Baerlocher, Gabriela M ; Haubitz, Monika ; Aubert, Geraldine ; Barañano, Kristin W ; Barnicoat, Angela J ; Battini, Roberta ; Berger, Andrea ; Blair, Edward M ; Brunstrom-Hernandez, Janice E ; Buckard, Johannes A ; Cassiman, David M ; Caumes, Rosaline ; Cordelli, Duccio M ; De Waele, Liesbeth M ; Fay, Alexander J ; Ferreira, Patrick ; Fletcher, Nicholas A ; Fryer, Alan E ; Goel, Himanshu ; Hemingway, Cheryl A ; Henneke, Marco ; Hughes, Imelda ; Jefferson, Rosalind J ; Kumar, Ram ; Lagae, Lieven ; Landrieu, Pierre G ; Lourenço, Charles M ; Malpas, Timothy J ; Mehta, Sarju G ; Metz, Imke ; Naidu, Sakkubai ; Õunap, Katrin ; Panzer, Axel ; Prabhakar, Prab ; Quaghebeur, Gerardine ; Schiffmann, Raphael ; Sherr, Elliott H ; Sinnathuray, Kanaga R ; Soh, Calvin ; Stewart, Helen S ; Stone, John ; Van Esch, Hilde ; Van Mol, Christine E G ; Vanderver, Adeline ; Wakeling, Emma L ; Whitney, Andrea ; Pavitt, Graham D ; Griffiths-Jones, Sam ; Rice, Gillian I ; Revy, Patrick ; van der Knaap, Marjo S ; Livingston, John H ; O'Keefe, Raymond T ; Crow, Yanick J
    Publisher:Nature Publishing Group
    Journal title:Nature genetics, 2017-02, Vol.49 (2), p.317-317
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    Author / Creator:QIN OUYANG ; WAGNER, Wolfgang M ; WIKBY, Anders ; WALTER, Steffen ; AUBERT, Geraldine ; DODI, Anthony I ; TRAVERS, Paul ; PAWELEC, Graham
    Publisher:New York, NY: Kluwer/Plenum
    Journal title:Journal of clinical immunology, 2003-07, Vol.23 (4), p.247-257
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    Author / Creator:Rusakiewicz, Sylvie ; Aubert, Geraldine ; Clark, Richard E. ; Madrigal, Alejandro J. ; Dodi, Anthony I. ; Travers, Paul J.
    Publisher:Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag
    Journal title:Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, 2009-09, Vol.58 (9), p.1459-1470
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    Author / Creator:Aubert, Geraldine ; Hassan-Walker, Aycan F. ; Madrigal, J. Alejandro ; Emery, Vincent C. ; Morte, Carles ; Grace, Sarah ; Koh, Mickey B. C. ; Potter, Mike ; Prentice, H. Grant ; Dodi, I. Anthony ; Travers, Paul J.
    Publisher:Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press
    Journal title:The Journal of infectious diseases, 2001-10, Vol.184 (8), p.955-963
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    Author / Creator:Andreu-Sanchez, Sergio ; Aubert, Geraldine ; Ripoll-Cladellas, Aida ; Henkelman, Sandra ; Zhernakova, Daria V ; Sinha, Trishla ; Kurilshikov, Alexander ; Cenit, Maria Carmen ; Bonder, Marc Jan ; Lifelines Cohort Study ; Franke, Lude ; Wijmenga, Cisca ; Fu, Jingyuan ; Monique Gp Van Der Wijst ; Mele, Marta ; Lansdorp, Peter ; Zhernakova, Alexandra
    Publisher:Cold Spring Harbor: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
    Journal title:bioRxiv, 2021-12
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    Author / Creator:Aubert, Geraldine ; Baerlocher, Gabriela M ; Vulto, Irma ; Poon, Steven S ; Lansdorp, Peter M
    Publisher:Public Library of Science
    Journal title:PLoS Genetics, 2012, Vol.8 (5)
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