6 results for Bauer,+Todd+M,+MD

6 results for Bauer,+Todd+M,+MD

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    Author / Creator:Solomon, Benjamin J, Prof ; Besse, Benjamin, Prof ; Bauer, Todd M, MD ; Felip, Enriqueta, MD ; Soo, Ross A, MD ; Camidge, D Ross, Prof ; Chiari, Rita, MD ; Bearz, Alessandra, MD ; Lin, Chia-Chi, MD ; Gadgeel, Shirish M, Prof ; Riely, Gregory J, MD ; Tan, Eng Huat, MBBS ; Seto, Takashi, Prof ; James, Leonard P, MD ; Clancy, Jill S, BS ; Abbattista, Antonello, BSc ; Martini, Jean-François, PhD ; Chen, Joseph, PharmD ; Peltz, Gerson, MD ; Thurm, Holger, MD ; Ou, Sai-Hong Ignatius, Prof ; Shaw, Alice T, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2018-12, Vol.19 (12), p.1654-1667
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    Author / Creator:Shaw, Alice T, Prof ; Solomon, Benjamin J, Prof ; Chiari, Rita, MD ; Riely, Gregory J, MD ; Besse, Benjamin, Prof ; Soo, Ross A, MD ; Kao, Steven, MBChB ; Lin, Chia-Chi, MD ; Bauer, Todd M, MD ; Clancy, Jill S, BS ; Thurm, Holger, MD ; Martini, Jean-Francois, PhD ; Peltz, Gerson, MD ; Abbattista, Antonello, BSc ; Li, Sherry, MS ; Ou, Sai-Hong Ignatius, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2019-12, Vol.20 (12), p.1691-1701
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    Author / Creator:Rudin, Charles M, Prof ; Pietanza, M Catherine, MD ; Bauer, Todd M, MD ; Ready, Neal, Prof ; Morgensztern, Daniel, MD ; Glisson, Bonnie S, Prof ; Byers, Lauren A, MD ; Johnson, Melissa L, MD ; Burris, Howard A, MD ; Robert, Francisco, Prof ; Han, Tae H, PhD ; Bheddah, Sheila, BA ; Theiss, Noah, MS ; Watson, Sky, BS ; Mathur, Deepan, MD ; Vennapusa, Bharathi, MD ; Zayed, Hany, PhD ; Lally, Satwant, MS ; Strickland, Donald K, MD ; Govindan, Ramaswamy, Prof ; Dylla, Scott J, PhD ; Peng, Stanford L, MD ; Spigel, David R, MD
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2017-01, Vol.18 (1), p.42-51
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    Author / Creator:Choueiri, Toni K, MD ; McDermott, David F, MD ; Merchan, Jaime, MD ; Bauer, Todd M, MD ; Figlin, Robert, MD ; Heath, Elisabeth I, MD ; Michaelson, M Dror, MD ; Arrowsmith, Edward, MD ; D'Souza, Anishka, MD ; Zhao, Song, MD PhD ; Roy, Ananya, PhD ; Perini, Rodolfo, MD ; Vickery, Donna, MD ; Tykodi, Scott S, MD PhD
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2023-05, Vol.24 (5), p.553-562
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    Author / Creator:Naing, Aung, MD ; Wong, Deborah J, MD ; Infante, Jeffrey R, MD ; Korn, W Michael, MD ; Aljumaily, Raid, MD ; Papadopoulos, Kyriakos P, MD ; Autio, Karen A, MD ; Pant, Shubham, MD ; Bauer, Todd M, MD ; Drakaki, Alexandra, MD ; Daver, Naval G, MD ; Hung, Annie, MA ; Ratti, Navneet, BS ; McCauley, Scott, BA ; Van Vlasselaer, Peter, PhD ; Verma, Rakesh, PhD ; Ferry, David, MD ; Oft, Martin, MD ; Diab, Adi, MD ; Garon, Edward B, MD ; Tannir, Nizar M, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2019-11, Vol.20 (11), p.1544-1555
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    Author / Creator:Choueiri, Toni K, MD ; Merchan, Jaime R, MD ; Figlin, Robert, MD ; McDermott, David F, MD ; Arrowsmith, Edward, MD ; Michaelson, M Dror, MD ; Tykodi, Scott S, MD ; Heath, Elisabeth I, MD ; Spigel, David R, MD ; D’Souza, Anishka, MD ; Kassalow, Laurent, MS ; Perini, Rodolfo F, MD ; Vickery, Donna, MD ; Bauer, Todd M, MD
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2025, Vol.26 (1), p.64-73
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