3 results for Burnett,+Alan,+Prof

3 results for Burnett,+Alan,+Prof

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    Author / Creator:Cortes, Jorge, Prof ; Perl, Alexander E, MD ; Döhner, Hartmut, Prof ; Kantarjian, Hagop, Prof ; Martinelli, Giovanni, Prof ; Kovacsovics, Tibor, Prof ; Rousselot, Philippe, Prof ; Steffen, Björn, MD ; Dombret, Hervé, Prof ; Estey, Elihu, Prof ; Strickland, Stephen, MD ; Altman, Jessica K, MD ; Baldus, Claudia D, Prof ; Burnett, Alan, Prof ; Krämer, Alwin, Prof ; Russell, Nigel, Prof ; Shah, Neil P, Prof ; Smith, Catherine C, MD ; Wang, Eunice S, Prof ; Ifrah, Norbert, Prof ; Gammon, Guy, MRCP ; Trone, Denise, MS ; Lazzaretto, Deborah, MS ; Levis, Mark, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2018-07, Vol.19 (7), p.889-903
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    Author / Creator:Burnett, Alan K, Prof ; Russell, Nigel H, Prof ; Hills, Robert K, DPhil ; Bowen, David, Prof ; Kell, Jonathan, MD ; Knapper, Steve, DM ; Morgan, Yvonne G, PhD ; Lok, Jennie, MSc ; Grech, Angela, BA ; Jones, Gail, MD ; Khwaja, Asim, Prof ; Friis, Lone, PhD ; McMullin, Mary Frances, Prof ; Hunter, Ann, MD ; Clark, Richard E, Prof ; Grimwade, David, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2015-10, Vol.16 (13), p.1295-1305
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    Author / Creator:Hills, Robert K, DPhil ; Castaigne, Sylvie, Prof ; Appelbaum, Frederick R, Prof ; Delaunay, Jacques, MD ; Petersdorf, Stephen, MD ; Othus, Megan, PhD ; Estey, Elihu H, Prof ; Dombret, Hervé, Prof ; Chevret, Sylvie, PhD ; Ifrah, Norbert, Prof ; Cahn, Jean-Yves, Prof ; Récher, Christian, Prof ; Chilton, Lucy, PhD ; Moorman, Anthony V, Prof ; Burnett, Alan K, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2014-08, Vol.15 (9), p.986-996
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