21,459 results for Carnivores

21,459 results for Carnivores

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    The carnivores / [by] R. F. Ewer.

    Author / Creator:Ewer, R. F.
    Publisher:London : Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1973.
    Call Numbers:T0277604 , T0277605
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    Publisher:Sydney, New South Wales : ABC Commercial, 1992.
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    Carnivorous plants / by Gordon Cheers.

    Author / Creator:Cheers, Gordon.
    Publisher:Diamond Creek, Vic. : Carnivor and Insectivor Plants, 1983.
    Call Numbers:635.933121/1 , E635.933121/3
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    Carnivorous plants / Tony Camilleri.

    Author / Creator:Camilleri, Tony.
    Publisher:East Roseville, N.S.W. : Kangaroo Press, 1998.
    Call Numbers:TQ071026
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    Author / Creator:Priante, Camila Fátima ; Bernardo, Rodrigo ; de Souza, Agnis Cristiane ; de la Cruz, Alejandro Jesus ; Vogliotti, Alexandre ; Hartley, Alfonso Christopher Zúñiga ; Srbek-Araujo, Ana Carolina ; Campelo, Ana Kellen Nogueira ; Costa, Ana Raissa Cunha ; Luza, André Luís ; Mangione, Antonio Marcelo ; Fernandes, Arthur ; Leles, Bruno ; Kubiak, Bruno Busnello ; Saranholi, Bruno Henrique ; Pianca, Camila ; Rodrigues, Camila ; Tedesco, Carla Denise ; Fonseca, Carlos ; Hass, Carlos ; Peres, Carlos A. ; Rocha, Carlos Frederico Duarte ; Sartor, Caroline Charão ; Braga, Caryne ; Del Vechio, Christine ; da Rosa, Clarissa Alves ; De-Carvalho, Crizanto Brito ; Buscariol, Daiane ; da Silva Ferraz, Daniel ; Moreno, Daniele Janina ; Astúa, Diego ; de Souza Lima, Edson ; Ribeiro, Edvandro Abreu ; da Costa Fraga, Elmary ; Ramalho, Emiliano Esterci ; Saito, Erica Naomi ; de Freitas, Evellyn Borges ; de Aguiar Pereira, Fabiane ; Soares, Fábio Angelo Melo ; da Silva Santos, Fernanda ; do Passo Ramalho, Fernanda ; Pedroni, Fernando ; Passos, Fernando C. ; Grotta-Neto, Francisco ; de Oliveira Porfirio, Grasiela Edith ; Ribeiro, Igor Kintopp ; Mourthe, Italo ; Silveira, Jana Rangel ; Cherem, Jorge José ; de Sousa e Silva Júnior, José ; dos Santos, José Carlos Chaves ; Hawes, Joseph E. ; Zanón-Martínez, Juan Ignacio ; Peña-Mondragón, Juan L. ; Ilha, Júlia ; Pacheco, Julio Javier Chacón ; Costa, Leonardo Marques ; Silveira, Leandro ; Benavalli, Letícia ; Quintilham, Lucas ; Rezende, Lucas Rodrigo ; Retta, Lucía Martínez ; Hufnagel, Ludmila ; Moraes, Marcela Figuerêdo Duarte ; do Carmo Pônzio, Marcella ; Silveira, Marcos ; Mora, María Cristina Peñuela ; del Carmen Fleytas Jover, Maria ; de Freitas Morandi, Maria Elisa ; Iezzi, María Eugenia ; Vinassa, Maria Laura Gomez ; Tavares, Mariana Silva ; Haberfeld, Mario ; Ortiz-Moreno, Martha Lucia ; Corrêa, Matheus Rocha Jorge ; Faria, Michel Barros ; Hidalgo-Mihart, Mircea G. ; Arimoro, Omolabake Alhambra ; Ferreira, Paula Modenesi ; Prist, Paula Ribeiro ; Cordeiro-Estrela, Pedro ; Hilário, Renato Richard ; Bassini-Silva, Ricardo ; Pires, Ricardo Araújo ; Paolino, Roberta Montanheiro ; Fróes, Rodrigo Medina ; Jorge, Rodrigo Silva Pinto ; da Cunha, Rogério Grassetto Teixeira ; Astete, Samuel ; Solas, Sara Álvarez ; Silvestre, Saulo Meneses ; de Souza Machado, Sávio Augusto ; Keuroghlian-Eaton, Sean ; Costa, Sebastián Andrés ; Talamoni, Sonia Aparecida ; Oliveira, Valeska Buchemi ; Gaboardi, Viviane Telles Rodrigues ; Rocha, Vlamir José ; Tomas, Walfrido Moraes ; Galetti, Mauro
    Publisher:United States: John Wiley and Sons, Inc
    Journal title:Ecology (Durham), 2020-11, Vol.101 (11), p.1-5
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    Carnivorous plants / Paul Temple.

    Author / Creator:Temple, Paul, 1951-
    Publisher:London : Cassell : Royal Horticultural Society ; New York, N.Y. : Distributed by Sterling Pub. Co., 1988 (1989 printing)
    Call Numbers:N635/192
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    Publisher:[U.S.A.] : Stanton Films, c1979.
    Call Numbers:A4859
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    Author / Creator:Levi, Taal ; Wilmers, Christopher C
    Publisher:Washington, DC: Ecological Society of America
    Journal title:Ecology (Durham), 2012-04, Vol.93 (4), p.921-929
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    Author / Creator:Möller, Karla J
    Publisher:Urbana: National Council of Teachers of English
    Journal title:Language arts, 2015-09, Vol.93 (1), p.68
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    The carnivorous plants / by Francis Ernest Lloyd.

    Author / Creator:Lloyd, Francis Ernest, 1868-1947.
    Publisher:New York : Dover Publications, 1976.
    Call Numbers:T0271235
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    Author / Creator:van Eeden, Lily M. ; Crowther, Mathew S. ; Dickman, Chris R. ; Macdonald, David W. ; Ripple, William J. ; Ritchie, Euan G. ; Newsome, Thomas M.
    Publisher:United States: Wiley Blackwell, Inc
    Journal title:Conservation biology, 2018-02, Vol.32 (1), p.26-34
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    Author / Creator:Lloyd, Francis Ernest, 1868-1947.
    Publisher:Waltham, Mass. : Chronica botanica company, 1942.
    Call Numbers:TQ050165
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    Author / Creator:Chapron, Guillaume ; Kaczensky, Petra ; Linnell, John D. C. ; von Arx, Manuela ; Huber, Djuro ; Andrén, Henrik ; López-Bao, José Vicente ; Adamec, Michal ; Álvares, Francisco ; Anders, Ole ; Balčiauskas, Linas ; Balys, Vaidas ; Bedő, Péter ; Bego, Ferdinand ; Blanco, Juan Carlos ; Breitenmoser, Urs ; Brøseth, Henrik ; Bufka, Luděk ; Bunikyte, Raimonda ; Ciucci, Paolo ; Dutsov, Alexander ; Engleder, Thomas ; Fuxjäger, Christian ; Groff, Claudio ; Holmala, Katja ; Hoxha, Bledi ; Iliopoulos, Yorgos ; Ionescu, Ovidiu ; Jeremić, Jasna ; Jerina, Klemen ; Kluth, Gesa ; Knauer, Felix ; Kojola, Ilpo ; Kos, Ivan ; Krofel, Miha ; Kubala, Jakub ; Kunovac, Saša ; Kusak, Josip ; Kutal, Miroslav ; Liberg, Olof ; Majić, Aleksandra ; Männil, Peep ; Manz, Ralph ; Marboutin, Eric ; Marucco, Francesca ; Melovski, Dime ; Mersini, Kujtim ; Mertzanis, Yorgos ; Mysłajek, Robert W. ; Nowak, Sabina ; Odden, John ; Ozolins, Janis ; Palomero, Guillermo ; Paunović, Milan ; Persson, Jens ; Potočnik, Hubert ; Quenette, Pierre-Yves ; Rauer, Georg ; Reinhardt, Ilka ; Rigg, Robin ; Ryser, Andreas ; Salvatori, Valeria ; Skrbinšek, Tomaž ; Stojanov, Aleksandar ; Swenson, Jon E. ; Szemethy, László ; Trajçe, Aleksandër ; Tsingarska-Sedefcheva, Elena ; Váňa, Martin ; Veeroja, Rauno ; Wabakken, Petter ; Wölfl, Manfred ; Wölfl, Sybille ; Zimmermann, Fridolin ; Zlatanova, Diana ; Boitani, Luigi
    Publisher:United States: American Association for the Advancement of Science
    Journal title:Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science), 2014-12, Vol.346 (6216), p.1517-1519
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