9 results for Gutzmer,+Ralf,+Prof

9 results for Gutzmer,+Ralf,+Prof

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    Author / Creator:Eggermont, Alexander M M, MD ; Blank, Christian U, MD ; Mandalà, Mario, MD ; Long, Georgina V, Prof ; Atkinson, Victoria G, MD ; Dalle, Stéphane, Prof ; Haydon, Andrew M, MD ; Meshcheryakov, Andrey, Prof ; Khattak, Adnan, MD ; Carlino, Matteo S, BMedSc ; Sandhu, Shahneen, Prof ; Larkin, James, Prof ; Puig, Susana, MD ; Ascierto, Paolo A, Prof ; Rutkowski, Piotr, Prof ; Schadendorf, Dirk, Prof ; Koornstra, Rutger, MD ; Hernandez-Aya, Leonel, MD ; Di Giacomo, Anna Maria, Prof ; van den Eertwegh, Alfonsus J M, Prof ; Grob, Jean-Jacques, Prof ; Gutzmer, Ralf, Prof ; Jamal, Rahima, MD ; Lorigan, Paul C, Prof ; van Akkooi, Alexander C J, MD ; Krepler, Clemens, MD ; Ibrahim, Nageatte, MD ; Marreaud, Sandrine, MD ; Kicinski, Michal, PhD ; Suciu, Stefan, PhD ; Robert, Caroline, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2021-05, Vol.22 (5), p.643-654
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    Author / Creator:Stratigos, Alexander J, Prof ; Sekulic, Aleksandar, Prof ; Peris, Ketty, Prof ; Bechter, Oliver, Prof ; Prey, Sorilla, MD ; Kaatz, Martin, MD ; Lewis, Karl D, Prof ; Basset-Seguin, Nicole, Prof ; Chang, Anne Lynn S, Prof ; Dalle, Stèphane, Prof ; Orland, Almudena Fernandez, MD ; Licitra, Lisa, MD ; Robert, Caroline, MD ; Ulrich, Claas, MD ; Hauschild, Axel, Prof ; Migden, Michael R, Prof ; Dummer, Reinhard, Prof ; Li, Siyu, PhD ; Yoo, Suk-Young, PhD ; Mohan, Kosalai, PhD ; Coates, Ebony, MHA ; Jankovic, Vladimir, MD ; Fiaschi, Nathalie, PhD ; Okoye, Emmanuel, MBBS ; Bassukas, Ioannis D, Prof ; Loquai, Carmen, MD ; De Giorgi, Vincenzo, MD ; Eroglu, Zeynep, MD ; Gutzmer, Ralf, Prof ; Ulrich, Jens, Prof ; Puig, Susana, MD ; Seebach, Frank, MD ; Thurston, Gavin, PhD ; Weinreich, David M, MD ; Yancopoulos, George D, MD ; Lowy, Israel, MD ; Bowler, Timothy, MD ; Fury, Matthew G, MD
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2021-06, Vol.22 (6), p.848-857
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    Author / Creator:Ascierto, Paolo A, Dr ; Del Vecchio, Michele, MD ; Robert, Caroline, Prof ; Mackiewicz, Andrzej, Prof ; Chiarion-Sileni, Vanna, MD ; Arance, Ana, MD ; Lebbé, Céleste, Prof ; Bastholt, Lars, MD ; Hamid, Omid, MD ; Rutkowski, Piotr, Prof ; McNeil, Catriona, MD ; Garbe, Claus, Prof ; Loquai, Carmen, MD ; Dreno, Brigitte, Prof ; Thomas, Luc, Prof ; Grob, Jean-Jacques, Prof ; Liszkay, Gabriella, Prof ; Nyakas, Marta, MD ; Gutzmer, Ralf, Prof ; Pikiel, Joanna, MD ; Grange, Florent, MD ; Hoeller, Christoph, MD ; Ferraresi, Virginia, MD ; Smylie, Michael, MD ; Schadendorf, Dirk, Prof ; Mortier, Laurent, Prof ; Svane, Inge Marie, MD ; Hennicken, Delphine, MSc ; Qureshi, Anila, MD ; Maio, Michele, MD
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2017-05, Vol.18 (5), p.611-622
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    Author / Creator:Dummer, Reinhard, Prof ; Schadendorf, Dirk, Prof ; Ascierto, Paolo A, MD ; Arance, Ana, MD ; Dutriaux, Caroline, MD ; Di Giacomo, Anna Maria, MD ; Rutkowski, Piotr, Prof ; Del Vecchio, Michele, MD ; Gutzmer, Ralf, Prof ; Mandala, Mario, MD ; Thomas, Luc, Prof ; Demidov, Lev, Prof ; Garbe, Claus, Prof ; Hogg, David, MD ; Liszkay, Gabriella, Prof ; Queirolo, Paola, MD ; Wasserman, Ernesto, MD ; Ford, James, MS ; Weill, Marine, MSc ; Sirulnik, L Andres, MD ; Jehl, Valentine, MSc ; Bozón, Viviana, MD ; Long, Georgina V, Prof ; Flaherty, Keith, MD
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2017-04, Vol.18 (4), p.435-445
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    Author / Creator:Ascierto, Paolo A, Prof ; Stroyakovskiy, Daniil, MD ; Gogas, Helen, Prof ; Robert, Caroline, Prof ; Lewis, Karl, Prof ; Protsenko, Svetlana, MD ; Pereira, Rodrigo P, MD ; Eigentler, Thomas, MD ; Rutkowski, Piotr, MD ; Demidov, Lev, MD ; Zhukova, Natalia, PhD ; Schachter, Jacob, Prof ; Yan, Yibing, PhD ; Caro, Ivor, MD ; Hertig, Christian, DVM ; Xue, Cloris, MSc ; Kusters, Lieke, MSc ; McArthur, Grant A, Prof ; Gutzmer, Ralf, Prof
    Publisher:Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2023-01, Vol.24 (1), p.33-44
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    Author / Creator:Migden, Michael R, Dr ; Guminski, Alexander, PhD ; Gutzmer, Ralf, Prof ; Dirix, Luc, MD ; Lewis, Karl D, MD ; Combemale, Patrick, MD ; Herd, Robert M, MD ; Kudchadkar, Ragini, MD ; Trefzer, Uwe, Prof ; Gogov, Sven, MD ; Pallaud, Celine, PhD ; Yi, Tingting, PhD ; Mone, Manisha, PhD ; Kaatz, Martin, MD ; Loquai, Carmen, MD ; Stratigos, Alexander J, Prof ; Schulze, Hans-Joachim, MD ; Plummer, Ruth, Prof ; Chang, Anne Lynn S, MD ; Cornélis, Frank, MD ; Lear, John T, MD ; Sellami, Dalila, MD ; Dummer, Reinhard, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2015-06, Vol.16 (6), p.716-728
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    Author / Creator:Dreno, Brigitte, Prof ; Thompson, John F, Prof ; Smithers, Bernard Mark, Prof ; Santinami, Mario, MD ; Jouary, Thomas, MD ; Gutzmer, Ralf, Prof ; Levchenko, Evgeny, MD ; Rutkowski, Piotr, Prof ; Grob, Jean-Jacques, Prof ; Korovin, Sergii, MD ; Drucis, Kamil, MD ; Grange, Florent, Prof ; Machet, Laurent, Prof ; Hersey, Peter, Prof ; Krajsova, Ivana, MD ; Testori, Alessandro, MD ; Conry, Robert, MD ; Guillot, Bernard, Prof ; Kruit, Wim H J, MD ; Demidov, Lev, Prof ; Thompson, John A, Prof ; Bondarenko, Igor, Prof ; Jaroszek, Jaroslaw, MD ; Puig, Susana, MD ; Cinat, Gabriela, MD ; Hauschild, Axel, Prof ; Goeman, Jelle J, Prof ; van Houwelingen, Hans C, Prof ; Ulloa-Montoya, Fernando, PhD ; Callegaro, Andrea, PhD ; Dizier, Benjamin, MPH ; Spiessens, Bart, PhD ; Debois, Muriel, MSc ; Brichard, Vincent G, MD ; Louahed, Jamila, PhD ; Therasse, Patrick, MD ; Debruyne, Channa, MD ; Kirkwood, John M, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2018-07, Vol.19 (7), p.916-929
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    Author / Creator:Bottomley, Andrew, PhD ; Coens, Corneel, MSc ; Mierzynska, Justyna, MSc ; Blank, Christian U, MD ; Mandalà, Mario, MD ; Long, Georgina V, Prof ; Atkinson, Victoria G, MBBS ; Dalle, Stéphane, Prof ; Haydon, Andrew M, PhD ; Meshcheryakov, Andrey, Prof ; Khattak, Adnan, MD ; Carlino, Matteo S, PhD ; Sandhu, Shahneen, Prof ; Puig, Susana, MD ; Ascierto, Paolo A, Prof ; Larkin, James, Prof ; Lorigan, Paul C, Prof ; Rutkowski, Piotr, Prof ; Schadendorf, Dirk, Prof ; Koornstra, Rutger, MD ; Hernandez-Aya, Leonel, MD ; Di Giacomo, Anna Maria, Prof ; van den Eertwegh, Alfonsus J M, Prof ; Grob, Jean-Jacques, Prof ; Gutzmer, Ralf, Prof ; Jamal, Rahima, MD ; van Akkooi, Alexander C J, PhD ; Krepler, Clemens, MD ; Ibrahim, Nageatte, MD ; Marreaud, Sandrine, MD ; Kicinski, Michal, PhD ; Suciu, Stefan, PhD ; Robert, Caroline, Prof ; Eggermont, Alexander M M, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2021-05, Vol.22 (5), p.655-664
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    Author / Creator:Robert, Caroline, Dr ; Dummer, Reinhard, Prof ; Gutzmer, Ralf, Prof ; Lorigan, Paul, MB ; Kim, Kevin B, MD ; Nyakas, Marta, MD ; Arance, Ana, MD ; Liszkay, Gabriella, Prof ; Schadendorf, Dirk, Prof ; Cantarini, Mireille, MBChB ; Spencer, Stuart, MSc ; Middleton, Mark R, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2013-07, Vol.14 (8), p.733-740
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