1 results for ICGC+Chronic+Myeloid+Disorders+Group

1 results for ICGC+Chronic+Myeloid+Disorders+Group

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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Ju, Young Seok ; Alexandrov, Ludmil B ; Gerstung, Moritz ; Martincorena, Inigo ; Nik-Zainal, Serena ; Ramakrishna, Manasa ; Davies, Helen R ; Papaemmanuil, Elli ; Gundem, Gunes ; Shlien, Adam ; Bolli, Niccolo ; Behjati, Sam ; Tarpey, Patrick S ; Nangalia, Jyoti ; Massie, Charles E ; Butler, Adam P ; Teague, Jon W ; Vassiliou, George S ; Green, Anthony R ; Du, Ming-Qing ; Unnikrishnan, Ashwin ; Pimanda, John E ; Teh, Bin Tean ; Munshi, Nikhil ; Greaves, Mel ; Vyas, Paresh ; El-Naggar, Adel K ; Santarius, Tom ; Collins, V Peter ; Grundy, Richard ; Taylor, Jack A ; Hayes, D Neil ; Malkin, David ; Foster, Christopher S ; Warren, Anne Y ; Whitaker, Hayley C ; Brewer, Daniel ; Eeles, Rosalind ; Cooper, Colin ; Neal, David ; Visakorpi, Tapio ; Isaacs, William B ; Bova, G Steven ; Flanagan, Adrienne M ; Futreal, P Andrew ; Lynch, Andy G ; Chinnery, Patrick F ; McDermott, Ultan ; Stratton, Michael R ; Campbell, Peter J
    Publisher:England: eLife Sciences Publications Ltd
    Journal title:eLife, 2014-10, Vol.3
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