1,376 results for Immunogenicity,+Vaccine

1,376 results for Immunogenicity,+Vaccine

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    Author / Creator:Siegel, Corey A ; Melmed, Gil Y ; McGovern, Dermot PB ; Rai, Victoria ; Krammer, Florian ; Rubin, David T ; Abreu, Maria T ; Dubinsky, Marla C ; Ahuja, Vineet ; Allez, Matthieu ; Ananthakrishnan, Ashwin N ; Bernstein, Charles N ; Braun, Jonathan ; Chowers, Yehuda ; Colombel, Jean-Frederic ; Danese, Silvio ; Dignass, Axel ; Dotan, Iris ; Fleshner, Phillip R ; Gasche, Christoph ; Gearry, Richard B ; Ghosh, Subrata ; Griffiths, Anne M ; Hanauer, Stephen B ; Hart, Ailsa L ; Kaplan, Gilaad G ; Kaser, Arthur ; Kotze, Paulo G ; Koutroubakis, Ioannis E ; Kruis, Wolfgang ; Lakatos, Peter L ; Levine, Arie ; Lewis, James D ; Lindsay, James O ; Loftus, Jr, Edward V ; Louis, Edouard ; Lukas, Milan ; Magro, Fernando ; Mahadevan, Uma ; Mantzaris, Gerasimos J ; Moum, Bjørn A ; Munkholm, Pia ; Ng, Siew C ; O’Morain, Colm ; Oresland, Tom ; Panaccione, Remo ; Panes, Julian ; Pemberton, John H ; Prantera, Cosimo ; Ran, Zhihua ; Reinisch, Walter ; Rogler, Gerhard ; Sandborn, William J ; Sands, Bruce E ; Sartor, Balfour ; Schölmerich, Jürgen ; Siegmund, Britta ; Silverberg, Mark S ; Sood, Ajit ; Spinelli, Antonino ; Steinwurz, Flavio ; Travis, Simon ; Turner, Dan ; Tysk, Curt ; Vatn, Morten H ; Vermeire, Severine ; Yamamoto, Takayuki ; Yamamoto-Furusho, Jesus K ; Panis, Yves
    Publisher:England: BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and British Society of Gastroenterology
    Journal title:Gut, 2021-04, Vol.70 (4), p.635-640
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    Author / Creator:Mrak, Daniel ; Tobudic, Selma ; Koblischke, Maximilian ; Graninger, Marianne ; Radner, Helga ; Sieghart, Daniela ; Hofer, Philipp ; Perkmann, Thomas ; Haslacher, Helmuth ; Thalhammer, Renate ; Winkler, Stefan ; Blüml, Stephan ; Stiasny, Karin ; Aberle, Judith H ; Smolen, Josef S ; Heinz, Leonhard X ; Aletaha, Daniel ; Bonelli, Michael
    Publisher:England: BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and European League Against Rheumatism
    Journal title:Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 2021-10, Vol.80 (10), p.1345-1350
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    Author / Creator:Bonelli, Michael Markus ; Mrak, Daniel ; Perkmann, Thomas ; Haslacher, Helmuth ; Aletaha, Daniel
    Publisher:England: BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and European League Against Rheumatism
    Journal title:Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 2021-10, Vol.80 (10), p.1355-1356
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    Author / Creator:Ruddy, Jake A ; Connolly, Caoilfhionn Marie ; Boyarsky, Brian J ; Werbel, William A ; Christopher-Stine, Lisa ; Garonzik-Wang, Jacqueline ; Segev, Dorry L ; Paik, Julie J
    Publisher:England: BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and European League Against Rheumatism
    Journal title:Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 2021-10, Vol.80 (10), p.1351-1352
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    Author / Creator:Cunningham, Anthony L ; Heineman, Thomas C ; Lal, Himal ; Godeaux, Olivier ; Chlibek, Roman ; Hwang, Shinn-Jang ; McElhaney, Janet E ; Vesikari, Timo ; Andrews, Charles ; Choi, Won Suk ; Esen, Meral ; Ikematsu, Hideyuki ; Choma, Martina Kovac ; Pauksens, Karlis ; Ravault, Stéphanie ; Salaun, Bruno ; Schwarz, Tino F ; Smetana, Jan ; Abeele, Carline Vanden ; Van den Steen, Peter ; Vastiau, Ilse ; Weckx, Lily Yin ; Levin, Myron J
    Publisher:US: Oxford University Press
    Journal title:The Journal of infectious diseases, 2018-05, Vol.217 (11), p.1750-1760
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    Author / Creator:Abdool Karim, Salim S ; de Oliveira, Tulio
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2021-05, Vol.384 (19), p.1866-1868
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    Author / Creator:Lopez Bernal, Jamie ; Andrews, Nick ; Gower, Charlotte ; Gallagher, Eileen ; Simmons, Ruth ; Thelwall, Simon ; Stowe, Julia ; Tessier, Elise ; Groves, Natalie ; Dabrera, Gavin ; Myers, Richard ; Campbell, Colin N.J ; Amirthalingam, Gayatri ; Edmunds, Matt ; Zambon, Maria ; Brown, Kevin E ; Hopkins, Susan ; Chand, Meera ; Ramsay, Mary
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2021-08, Vol.385 (7), p.585-594
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    Author / Creator:Rössler, Annika ; Riepler, Lydia ; Bante, David ; von Laer, Dorothee ; Kimpel, Janine
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2022-02, Vol.386 (7), p.698-700
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    Author / Creator:Schmidt, Fabian ; Muecksch, Frauke ; Weisblum, Yiska ; Da Silva, Justin ; Bednarski, Eva ; Cho, Alice ; Wang, Zijun ; Gaebler, Christian ; Caskey, Marina ; Nussenzweig, Michel C ; Hatziioannou, Theodora ; Bieniasz, Paul D
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2022-02, Vol.386 (6), p.599-601
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    Author / Creator:Hall, Victoria G ; Ferreira, Victor H ; Ku, Terrance ; Ierullo, Matthew ; Majchrzak-Kita, Beata ; Chaparro, Cecilia ; Selzner, Nazia ; Schiff, Jeffrey ; McDonald, Michael ; Tomlinson, George ; Kulasingam, Vathany ; Kumar, Deepali ; Humar, Atul
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2021-09, Vol.385 (13), p.1244-1246
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    Author / Creator:Levin, Einav G ; Lustig, Yaniv ; Cohen, Carmit ; Fluss, Ronen ; Indenbaum, Victoria ; Amit, Sharon ; Doolman, Ram ; Asraf, Keren ; Mendelson, Ella ; Ziv, Arnona ; Rubin, Carmit ; Freedman, Laurence ; Kreiss, Yitshak ; Regev-Yochay, Gili
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2021-12, Vol.385 (24), p.e84-e84
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    Author / Creator:Sadoff, Jerald ; Gray, Glenda ; Vandebosch, An ; Cárdenas, Vicky ; Shukarev, Georgi ; Grinsztejn, Beatriz ; Goepfert, Paul A ; Truyers, Carla ; Fennema, Hein ; Spiessens, Bart ; Offergeld, Kim ; Scheper, Gert ; Taylor, Kimberly L ; Robb, Merlin L ; Treanor, John ; Barouch, Dan H ; Stoddard, Jeffrey ; Ryser, Martin F ; Marovich, Mary A ; Neuzil, Kathleen M ; Corey, Lawrence ; Cauwenberghs, Nancy ; Tanner, Tamzin ; Hardt, Karin ; Ruiz-Guiñazú, Javier ; Le Gars, Mathieu ; Schuitemaker, Hanneke ; Van Hoof, Johan ; Struyf, Frank ; Douoguih, Macaya
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2021-06, Vol.384 (23), p.2187-2201
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    Author / Creator:Dagan, Noa ; Barda, Noam ; Kepten, Eldad ; Miron, Oren ; Perchik, Shay ; Katz, Mark A ; Hernán, Miguel A ; Lipsitch, Marc ; Reis, Ben ; Balicer, Ran D
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2021-04, Vol.384 (15), p.1412-1423
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    Author / Creator:Goldberg, Yair ; Mandel, Micha ; Bar-On, Yinon M ; Bodenheimer, Omri ; Freedman, Laurence ; Haas, Eric J ; Milo, Ron ; Alroy-Preis, Sharon ; Ash, Nachman ; Huppert, Amit
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2021-12, Vol.385 (24), p.e85-e85
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    Author / Creator:Heath, Paul T ; Galiza, Eva P ; Baxter, David N ; Boffito, Marta ; Browne, Duncan ; Burns, Fiona ; Chadwick, David R ; Clark, Rebecca ; Cosgrove, Catherine ; Galloway, James ; Goodman, Anna L ; Heer, Amardeep ; Higham, Andrew ; Iyengar, Shalini ; Jamal, Arham ; Jeanes, Christopher ; Kalra, Philip A ; Kyriakidou, Christina ; McAuley, Daniel F ; Meyrick, Agnieszka ; Minassian, Angela M ; Minton, Jane ; Moore, Patrick ; Munsoor, Imrozia ; Nicholls, Helen ; Osanlou, Orod ; Packham, Jonathan ; Pretswell, Carol H ; San Francisco Ramos, Alberto ; Saralaya, Dinesh ; Sheridan, Ray P ; Smith, Richard ; Soiza, Roy L ; Swift, Pauline A ; Thomson, Emma C ; Turner, Jeremy ; Viljoen, Marianne E ; Albert, Gary ; Cho, Iksung ; Dubovsky, Filip ; Glenn, Greg ; Rivers, Joy ; Robertson, Andreana ; Smith, Kathy ; Toback, Seth
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2021-09, Vol.385 (13), p.1172-1183
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    Author / Creator:Madhi, Shabir A ; Baillie, Vicky ; Cutland, Clare L ; Voysey, Merryn ; Koen, Anthonet L ; Fairlie, Lee ; Padayachee, Sherman D ; Dheda, Keertan ; Barnabas, Shaun L ; Bhorat, Qasim E ; Briner, Carmen ; Kwatra, Gaurav ; Ahmed, Khatija ; Aley, Parvinder ; Bhikha, Sutika ; Bhiman, Jinal N ; Bhorat, As’ad E ; du Plessis, Jeanine ; Esmail, Aliasgar ; Groenewald, Marisa ; Horne, Elizea ; Hwa, Shi-Hsia ; Jose, Aylin ; Lambe, Teresa ; Laubscher, Matt ; Malahleha, Mookho ; Masenya, Masebole ; Masilela, Mduduzi ; McKenzie, Shakeel ; Molapo, Kgaogelo ; Moultrie, Andrew ; Oelofse, Suzette ; Patel, Faeezah ; Pillay, Sureshnee ; Rhead, Sarah ; Rodel, Hylton ; Rossouw, Lindie ; Taoushanis, Carol ; Tegally, Houriiyah ; Thombrayil, Asha ; van Eck, Samuel ; Wibmer, Constantinos K ; Durham, Nicholas M ; Kelly, Elizabeth J ; Villafana, Tonya L ; Gilbert, Sarah ; Pollard, Andrew J ; de Oliveira, Tulio ; Moore, Penny L ; Sigal, Alex ; Izu, Alane
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2021-05, Vol.384 (20), p.1885-1898
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    Author / Creator:Sadoff, Jerald ; Le Gars, Mathieu ; Shukarev, Georgi ; Heerwegh, Dirk ; Truyers, Carla ; de Groot, Anne M ; Stoop, Jeroen ; Tete, Sarah ; Van Damme, Wim ; Leroux-Roels, Isabel ; Berghmans, Pieter-Jan ; Kimmel, Murray ; Van Damme, Pierre ; de Hoon, Jan ; Smith, William ; Stephenson, Kathryn E ; De Rosa, Stephen C ; Cohen, Kristen W ; McElrath, M. Juliana ; Cormier, Emmanuel ; Scheper, Gert ; Barouch, Dan H ; Hendriks, Jenny ; Struyf, Frank ; Douoguih, Macaya ; Van Hoof, Johan ; Schuitemaker, Hanneke
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2021-05, Vol.384 (19), p.1824-1835
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    Author / Creator:Datoo, Mehreen S ; Natama, Hamtandi Magloire ; Somé, Athanase ; Bellamy, Duncan ; Traoré, Ousmane ; Rouamba, Toussaint ; Tahita, Marc Christian ; Ido, N Félix André ; Yameogo, Prisca ; Valia, Daniel ; Millogo, Aida ; Ouedraogo, Florence ; Soma, Rachidatou ; Sawadogo, Seydou ; Sorgho, Faizatou ; Derra, Karim ; Rouamba, Eli ; Ramos-Lopez, Fernando ; Cairns, Matthew ; Provstgaard-Morys, Samuel ; Aboagye, Jeremy ; Lawrie, Alison ; Roberts, Rachel ; Valéa, Innocent ; Sorgho, Hermann ; Williams, Nicola ; Glenn, Gregory ; Fries, Louis ; Reimer, Jenny ; Ewer, Katie J ; Shaligram, Umesh ; Hill, Adrian V S ; Tinto, Halidou
    Publisher:United States: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet infectious diseases, 2022-12, Vol.22 (12), p.1728-1736
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