5 results for Kuruvilla,+John,+MD

5 results for Kuruvilla,+John,+MD

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    Author / Creator:Budde, Lihua E, MD ; Sehn, Laurie H ; Matasar, Matthew, MD ; Schuster, Stephen J, MD ; Assouline, Sarit, MD ; Giri, Pratyush, MBBS ; Kuruvilla, John, MD ; Canales, Miguel, MD ; Dietrich, Sascha, MD ; Fay, Keith, MBChB ; Ku, Matthew, MBBS ; Nastoupil, Loretta, MD ; Cheah, Chan Yoon, MBBS ; Wei, Michael C, MD ; Yin, Shen, PhD ; Li, Chi-Chung, PhD ; Huang, Huang, MSc ; Kwan, Antonia, MBBS ; Penuel, Elicia, PhD ; Bartlett, Nancy L, Prof
    Publisher:London: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2022-08, Vol.23 (8), p.1055-1065
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    Author / Creator:Kuruvilla, John, MD ; Ramchandren, Radhakrishnan, Prof ; Santoro, Armando, Prof ; Paszkiewicz-Kozik, Ewa, MD ; Gasiorowski, Robin, MD ; Johnson, Nathalie A, MD ; Fogliatto, Laura Maria, MD ; Goncalves, Iara, MD ; de Oliveira, Jose S R, MD ; Buccheri, Valeria, MD ; Perini, Guilherme F, MD ; Goldschmidt, Neta, MD ; Kriachok, Iryna, MD ; Dickinson, Michael, MD ; Komarnicki, Mieczyslaw, MD ; McDonald, Andrew, FCP [SA] ; Ozcan, Muhit, Prof ; Sekiguchi, Naohiro, MD ; Zhu, Ying, PhD ; Nahar, Akash, MD ; Marinello, Patricia, PharmD ; Zinzani, Pier Luigi, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2021-04, Vol.22 (4), p.512-524
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    Author / Creator:Younes, Anas, Prof ; Santoro, Armando, Prof ; Shipp, Margaret, Prof ; Zinzani, Pier Luigi, Prof ; Timmerman, John M, MD ; Ansell, Stephen, Prof ; Armand, Philippe, MD ; Fanale, Michelle, MD ; Ratanatharathorn, Voravit, MD ; Kuruvilla, John, MD ; Cohen, Jonathon B, MD ; Collins, Graham, MD ; Savage, Kerry J, MD ; Trneny, Marek, Prof ; Kato, Kazunobu, MD ; Farsaci, Benedetto, MD ; Parker, Susan M, PhD ; Rodig, Scott, MD ; Roemer, Margaretha G M, MS ; Ligon, Azra H, PhD ; Engert, Andreas, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2016-09, Vol.17 (9), p.1283-1294
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    Author / Creator:Walker, Irwin, Prof ; Panzarella, Tony, MSc ; Couban, Stephen, Prof ; Couture, Felix, Prof ; Devins, Gerald, Prof ; Elemary, Mohamed, MD ; Gallagher, Geneviève, Prof ; Kerr, Holly, RN ; Kuruvilla, John, MD ; Lee, Stephanie J, Prof ; Moore, John, MD ; Nevill, Thomas, Prof ; Popradi, Gizelle, MD ; Roy, Jean, Prof ; Schultz, Kirk R, MD ; Szwajcer, David, MD ; Toze, Cynthia, Prof ; Foley, Ronan, MD
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2016-02, Vol.17 (2), p.164-173
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    Author / Creator:Younes, Anas, Prof ; Oki, Yasuhiro, MD ; Bociek, R Gregory, MD ; Kuruvilla, John, MD ; Fanale, Michelle, MD ; Neelapu, Sattva, MD ; Copeland, Amanda, RN ; Buglio, Daniela, MD ; Galal, Ahmed, MD ; Besterman, Jeffrey, PhD ; Li, Zuomei, PhD ; Drouin, Michel, MD ; Patterson, Tracy, RN ; Ward, M Renee, MD ; Paulus, Jessica K, ScD ; Ji, Yuan, PhD ; Medeiros, L Jeffrey, Prof ; Martell, Robert E, MD
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2011-12, Vol.12 (13), p.1222-1228
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