1 results for Lasserre,+Susan+Frances

1 results for Lasserre,+Susan+Frances

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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Hyman, David M ; Puzanov, Igor ; Subbiah, Vivek ; Faris, Jason E ; Chau, Ian ; Blay, Jean-Yves ; Wolf, Jürgen ; Raje, Noopur S ; Diamond, Eli L ; Hollebecque, Antoine ; Gervais, Radj ; Elez-Fernandez, Maria Elena ; Italiano, Antoine ; Hofheinz, Ralf-Dieter ; Hidalgo, Manuel ; Chan, Emily ; Schuler, Martin ; Lasserre, Susan Frances ; Makrutzki, Martina ; Sirzen, Florin ; Veronese, Maria Luisa ; Tabernero, Josep ; Baselga, José
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2015-08, Vol.373 (8), p.726-736
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