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Author / Creator:Handoko, Lusy ; Xu, Han ; Li, Guoliang ; Ngan, Chew Yee ; Chew, Elaine ; Schnapp, Marie ; Lee, Charlie Wah Heng ; Ye, Chaopeng ; Ping, Joanne Lim Hui ; Mulawadi, Fabianus ; Wong, Eleanor ; Sheng, Jianpeng ; Zhang, Yubo ; Poh, Thompson ; Chan, Chee Seng ; Kunarso, Galih ; Shahab, Atif ; Bourque, Guillaume ; Cacheux-Rataboul, Valere ; Sung, Wing-Kin ; Ruan, Yijun ; Wei, Chia-Lin
Publisher:New York: Nature Publishing Group US
Journal title:Nature genetics, 2011-07, Vol.43 (7), p.630-638
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