276,276 results for Mammals

276,276 results for Mammals

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    State, provincial, territorial or dependent government publication | Journals

    Publisher:[Sydney, N.S.W.] : Australian Museum, c2003-
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    Publisher:[Sydney : Taronga Zoo Education Service, 1971?]
    Call Numbers:Q599/5
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    Walker's Mammals of the world.

    Publisher:Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983-
    Edition:4th ed. / Ronald M. Nowak and John L. Paradiso.
    Call Numbers:T0389023 , T0389022
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    Publisher:London : European Association for Aquatic Mammals
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    Thorburn's mammals.

    Author / Creator:Thorburn, Archibald, 1860-1935.
    Publisher:London : Ebury Press : Joseph, 1974.
    Edition:[New ed.] / with an introduction by David Attenborough.
    Call Numbers:T0276313
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    Mammals / Rebecca Johnson.

    Author / Creator:Johnson, Rebecca, 1966-, author.
    Publisher:Glebe, NSW Pascal Press, 2017
    Call Numbers:H 2017/3388
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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Souza, Yuri ; Gonçalves, Fernando ; Lautenschlager, Laís ; Akkawi, Paula ; Mendes, Calebe ; Carvalho, Mariana M. ; Bovendorp, Ricardo S. ; Fernandes-Ferreira, Hugo ; Rosa, Clarissa ; Graipel, Maurício Eduardo ; Peroni, Nivaldo ; Cherem, Jorge José ; Bogoni, Juliano André ; Brocardo, Carlos Rodrigo ; Miranda, João ; da Silva, Luciana Zago ; Melo, Geruza ; Cáceres, Nilton ; Sponchiado, Jonas ; Ribeiro, Milton Cezar ; Galetti, Mauro
    Publisher:United States: John Wiley and Sons, Inc
    Journal title:Ecology (Durham), 2019-10, Vol.100 (10), p.1-1
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    Author / Creator:Vincze, Orsolya ; Colchero, Fernando ; Lemaître, Jean-Francois ; Conde, Dalia A. ; Pavard, Samuel ; Bieuville, Margaux ; Urrutia, Araxi O. ; Ujvari, Beata ; Boddy, Amy M. ; Maley, Carlo C. ; Thomas, Frédéric ; Giraudeau, Mathieu
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Nature (London), 2022-01, Vol.601 (7892), p.263-267
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    Author / Creator:Sanborn, Colin Campbell, 1897-1962.
    Publisher:[Chicago] : Chicago Natural History Museum, 1952.
    Call Numbers:595.771/8
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    Author / Creator:Vriens, Joris ; Nilius, Bernd ; Voets, Thomas
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Nature reviews. Neuroscience, 2014-09, Vol.15 (9), p.573-589
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    Grzimek's encyclopedia of mammals.

    Publisher:New York : McGraw-Hill, 1990.
    Edition:English language ed. / Sybil P. Parker.
    Call Numbers:T0389017 , T0389020 , T0389018 , T0389019 , T0389021
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    Author / Creator:Burgin, Connor J. ; Colella, Jocelyn P. ; Kahn, Philip L. ; Upham, Nathan S.
    Publisher:US: American Society of Mammalogists
    Journal title:Journal of mammalogy, 2018-02, Vol.99 (1), p.1-14
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    Mammals in the seas.

    Author / Creator:Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Working Party on Marine Mammals.
    Publisher:Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1978-82.
    Call Numbers:TQ011171 , TQ011170 , TQ011169 , TQ011168
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    Author / Creator:dos Santos Venturinido Prado, Alessandra ; Bager, Alex ; de Oliveira, Aline Cristina Leite ; Devlin, Allison ; Srbek-Araujo, Ana Carolina ; Lacerda, Ana Cristyna Reis ; Rojas, Ana ; Meiga, Ana Yoko Ykeuti ; da Conceição Campêlo, Anielise ; Pontes, Antonio Rossano Mendes ; dos Santos, Áureo Banhos ; Bezerra, Bruna M. ; Tamasauskas, Bruna ; Kubiak, Bruno Busnello ; Mendes, Calebe Pereira ; Aoki, Camila ; de Abreu, Camila Matias Goes ; Salvador, Carlos Henrique ; Del Vechio Koike, Christine ; Tellaeche, Cintia ; Kanda, Claudia Zukeran ; Galiano, Daniel ; Barros-Battesti, Darci Moraes ; Casanova, Diogo Cavenague ; Alexandrino, Eduardo ; Anderson, Elizabeth P. ; da Costa Fraga, Elmary ; Abra, Fernanda D. ; Passos, Fernandode Camargo ; da Veiga da Costa, Francys E. ; Magezi, Gabriel S. ; de Andrade, Gabrielle Ribeiro ; Dierings, Geverson Luiz ; Roig, Henrique Llacer ; Banquero, Hugo Ignacio Coitiño ; Bechara, Isabel Muniz ; Mourthe, Italo ; Miller, Jacqueline R. ; Hinojosa, Javier ; Giovanelli, João Gabriel Ribeiro ; Souza-Alves, João Pedro ; Sponchiado, Jonas ; Gallo, Jorge Alberto ; Duarte, José Maurício Barbanti ; Parrish, Juan Felipe Reátiga ; Tellarini, Juan Francisco ; Bogoni, Juliano André ; Pacheco, Julio Javier Chacón ; de Oliveira Scarascia, Pietro ; Von Kossel de Andrade Silva, Katyucha ; Gonçalves, Larissa Oliveira ; Fasola, Laura ; León, Laura Johanna Nova ; de Andrade, Layla Reis ; Munhoes, Leticia Prado ; Quintilham, Lucas Lacerda Toth ; Tiepolo, Liliani Marilia ; Silva, Luciana Zago ; Hufnagel, Ludmila ; Moraes, Marcela Figuerêdo Duarte ; Lima, Marcela Guimarães Moreira ; Cervini, Marcelo ; Amaku, Marcos ; do Rosario, Maria Cristina Ferreira ; de Castro Morini, Maria Santina ; Xavier, Mariana Sampaio ; Borgnia, Mariela ; Zanin, Marina ; Haberfeld, Mario Burke ; Galliez, Maron ; Alvarez, Martin R. ; Rivero, Marina ; Dias, Mateus Melo ; Camino, Micaela ; Seoane, Nicolás Fernando ; Megale, Nicoli ; de Almeida Curi, Nelson Henrique ; Pinheiro, Paula Fabiana ; Lira, Paula Koeler ; Ferreira, Paula Modenesi ; Camargo, Paulo Henrique S. A. ; Mangini, Paulo Rogério ; de Faria Peres, Pedro Henrique ; Galetti, Pedro Manoel ; Renaud, Pierre-Cyril ; Zenni, Rafael D. ; Ribeiro, Renan Lieto Alves ; Pardini, Renata ; Sampaio, Ricardo ; Paolino, Roberta Montanheiro ; de Arruda Mauro, Rodiney ; da Paixão Dornas, Rubem Augusto ; Guaragni, Samara Arsego ; Carvalho, Santiago ; Ballari, Sebastián A. ; Benitez, Verónica Victoria ; Bastazini, Vinícius Augusto Galvão ; Orsini, Vinícius Santana ; Bonzi, Viviana Rojas ; Rodríguez-Calderón, Yenifer G.
    Publisher:United States: John Wiley and Sons, Inc
    Journal title:Ecology (Durham), 2020-11, Vol.101 (11), p.1-5
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