1 results for Nathan,+Debbie-Ann+N

1 results for Nathan,+Debbie-Ann+N

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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Parkhurst, Maria R ; Yang, James C ; Langan, Russell C ; Dudley, Mark E ; Nathan, Debbie-Ann N ; Feldman, Steven A ; Davis, Jeremy L ; Morgan, Richard A ; Merino, Maria J ; Sherry, Richard M ; Hughes, Marybeth S ; Kammula, Udai S ; Phan, Giao Q ; Lim, Ramona M ; Wank, Stephen A ; Restifo, Nicholas P ; Robbins, Paul F ; Laurencot, Carolyn M ; Rosenberg, Steven A
    Publisher:United States: Elsevier Inc
    Journal title:Molecular therapy, 2011-03, Vol.19 (3), p.620-626
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