1 results for Posocco,+David+F

1 results for Posocco,+David+F

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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Grevet, Jeremy D ; Lan, Xianjiang ; Hamagami, Nicole ; Edwards, Christopher R ; Sankaranarayanan, Laavanya ; Ji, Xinjun ; Bhardwaj, Saurabh K ; Face, Carolyne J ; Posocco, David F ; Abdulmalik, Osheiza ; Keller, Cheryl A ; Giardine, Belinda ; Sidoli, Simone ; Garcia, Ben A ; Chou, Stella T ; Liebhaber, Stephen A ; Hardison, Ross C ; Shi, Junwei ; Blobel, Gerd A
    Publisher:United States: The American Association for the Advancement of Science
    Journal title:Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science), 2018-07, Vol.361 (6399), p.285-290
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