2 results for Quinn,+Outi

2 results for Quinn,+Outi

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    Author / Creator:Jacobs, Benjamin M ; Schalk, Luisa ; Dunne, Angie ; Scalfari, Antonio ; Nandoskar, Ashwini ; Gran, Bruno ; Mein, Charles A ; Sellers, Charlotte ; Spilker, Cord ; Rog, David ; Visentin, Elisa ; Bezzina, Elizabeth Lindsey ; Uzochukwu, Emeka ; Tallantyre, Emma ; Wozniak, Eva ; Sacre, Eve ; Hassan-Smith, Ghaniah ; Ford, Helen L ; Harris, Jade ; Bradley, Joan ; Breedon, Joshua ; Brooke, Judith ; Kreft, Karim L ; Tuite Dalton, Katherine ; George, Katila ; Papachatzaki, Maria ; O'Malley, Martin ; Peter, Michelle ; Mattoscio, Miriam ; Rhule, Neisha ; Evangelou, Nikos ; Vinod, Nimisha ; Quinn, Outi ; Shamji, Ramya ; Kaimal, Rashmi ; Boulton, Rebecca ; Tanveer, Riffat ; Middleton, Rod ; Murray, Roxanne ; Bellfield, Ruth ; Hoque, Sadid ; Patel, Shakeelah ; Raj, Sonia ; Gumus, Stephanie ; Mitchell, Stephanie ; Sawcer, Stephen ; Arun, Tarunya ; Pogreban, Tatiana ; Brown, Terri-Louise ; Begum, Thamanna ; Antoine, Veronica ; Rashid, Waqar ; Noyce, Alastair J ; Silber, Eli ; Morris, Huw ; Giovannoni, Gavin ; Dobson, Ruth
    Publisher:England: British Medical Journal Publishing Group
    Journal title:BMJ open, 2023-05, Vol.13 (5), p.e071656
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    Author / Creator:Al-Shahi Salman, Rustam ; Dennis, Martin S ; Murray, Gordon D ; Innes, Karen ; Drever, Jonathan ; Dinsmore, Lynn ; Williams, Carol ; White, Philip M ; Whiteley, William N ; Sandercock, Peter A G ; Sudlow, Cathie L M ; Newby, David E ; Sprigg, Nikola ; Werring, David J
    Publisher:England: BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:Current controlled trials in cardiovascular medicine, 2018-03, Vol.19 (1), p.162-11, Article 162
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