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Author / Creator:Shen, Xianli ; Burguillos, Miguel A ; Osman, Ahmed M ; Frijhoff, Jeroen ; Carrillo-Jiménez, Alejandro ; Kanatani, Sachie ; Augsten, Martin ; Saidi, Dalel ; Rodhe, Johanna ; Kavanagh, Edel ; Rongvaux, Anthony ; Rraklli, Vilma ; Nyman, Ulrika ; Holmberg, Johan ; Östman, Arne ; Flavell, Richard A ; Barragan, Antonio ; Venero, Jose Luis ; Blomgren, Klas ; Joseph, Bertrand
Publisher:New York: Nature Publishing Group US
Journal title:Nature immunology, 2016-11, Vol.17 (11), p.1282-1290
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