2 results for Taurasi,+Ilaria

2 results for Taurasi,+Ilaria

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    Author / Creator:Principe, Maria ; Pinto, Innocenzo M ; Pierro, Vincenzo ; DeSalvo, Riccardo ; Taurasi, Ilaria ; Villar, Akira E ; Black, Eric D ; Libbrecht, Kenneth G ; Michel, Christophe ; Morgado, Nazario ; Pinard, Laurent
    Publisher:Ithaca: Cornell University Library, arXiv.org
    Journal title:arXiv.org, 2015-01
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    Author / Creator:Villar, Akira E ; Black, Eric D ; DeSalvo, Riccardo ; Libbrecht, Kenneth G ; Michel, Christophe ; Morgado, Nazario ; Pinard, Laurent ; Pinto, Innocenzo M ; Pierro, Vincenzo ; Galdi, Vincenzo ; Principe, Maria ; Taurasi, Ilaria
    Publisher:Ithaca: Cornell University Library, arXiv.org
    Journal title:arXiv.org, 2010-04
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