26 results for Walley,+Nicole

26 results for Walley,+Nicole

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    Author / Creator:McCormack, Mark ; Alfirevic, Ana ; Bourgeois, Stephane ; Farrell, John J ; Kasperavičiūtė, Dalia ; Carrington, Mary ; Sills, Graeme J ; Marson, Tony ; Jia, Xiaoming ; de Bakker, Paul I.W ; Chinthapalli, Krishna ; Molokhia, Mariam ; Johnson, Michael R ; O'Connor, Gerard D ; Chaila, Elijah ; Alhusaini, Saud ; Shianna, Kevin V ; Radtke, Rodney A ; Heinzen, Erin L ; Walley, Nicole ; Pandolfo, Massimo ; Pichler, Werner ; Park, B. Kevin ; Depondt, Chantal ; Sisodiya, Sanjay M ; Goldstein, David B ; Deloukas, Panos ; Delanty, Norman ; Cavalleri, Gianpiero L ; Pirmohamed, Munir
    Publisher:Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2011-03, Vol.364 (12), p.1134-1143
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    Author / Creator:Pelak, Kimberly ; Goldstein, David B. ; Walley, Nicole M. ; Fellay, Jacques ; Ge, Dongliang ; Shianna, Kevin V. ; Gumbs, Curtis ; Gao, Xiaojiang ; Maia, Jessica M. ; Cronin, Kenneth D. ; Hussain, Shehnaz K. ; Carrington, Mary ; Michael, Nelson L. ; Weintrob, Amy C.
    Publisher:Oxford: The University of Chicago Press
    Journal title:The Journal of infectious diseases, 2010-04, Vol.201 (8), p.1141-1149
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    Author / Creator:Panagiotakaki, Eleni ; Tiziano, Francesco D ; Mikati, Mohamad A ; Vijfhuizen, Lisanne S ; Nicole, Sophie ; Lesca, Gaetan ; Abiusi, Emanuela ; Novelli, Agnese ; Di Pietro, Lorena ; Harder, Aster V E ; Walley, Nicole M ; De Grandis, Elisa ; Poulat, Anne-Lise ; Portes, Vincent Des ; Lépine, Anne ; Nassogne, Marie-Cecile ; Arzimanoglou, Alexis ; Vavassori, Rosaria ; Koenderink, Jan ; Thompson, Christopher H ; George, Jr, Alfred L ; Gurrieri, Fiorella ; van den Maagdenberg, Arn M J M ; Heinzen, Erin L
    Publisher:England: Nature Publishing Group
    Journal title:European journal of human genetics : EJHG, 2024-02, Vol.32 (2), p.224-231
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    Author / Creator:Spillmann, Rebecca C ; McConkie-Rosell, Allyn ; Pena, Loren ; Jiang, Yong-Hui ; Schoch, Kelly ; Walley, Nicole ; Sanders, Camilla ; Sullivan, Jennifer ; Hooper, Stephen R ; Shashi, Vandana
    Publisher:England: BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:Orphanet journal of rare diseases, 2017-04, Vol.12 (1), p.71-71, Article 71
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    Author / Creator:Schoch, Kelly ; McConkie-Rosell, Allyn ; Walley, Nicole ; Bhambhani, Vikas ; Feyma, Timothy ; Pizoli, Carolyn E ; Smith, Edward C ; Tan, Queenie K.-G ; Shashi, Vandana
    Publisher:London: BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:Orphanet journal of rare diseases, 2023-09, Vol.18 (1), p.1-269, Article 269
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    Author / Creator:Walley, Nicole M ; Pena, Loren D M ; Hooper, Stephen R ; Cope, Heidi ; Jiang, Yong-Hui ; McConkie-Rosell, Allyn ; Sanders, Camilla ; Schoch, Kelly ; Spillmann, Rebecca C ; Strong, Kimberly ; McCray, Alexa T ; Mazur, Paul ; Esteves, Cecilia ; LeBlanc, Kimberly ; Wise, Anastasia L ; Shashi, Vandana
    Publisher:England: BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:BMC health services research, 2018-08, Vol.18 (1), p.652-652, Article 652
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    Author / Creator:Heinzen, Erin L ; Swoboda, Kathryn J ; Hitomi, Yuki ; Gurrieri, Fiorella ; Nicole, Sophie ; de Vries, Boukje ; Tiziano, F Danilo ; Fontaine, Bertrand ; Walley, Nicole M ; Heavin, Sinéad ; Panagiotakaki, Eleni ; Fiori, Stefania ; Abiusi, Emanuela ; Di Pietro, Lorena ; Sweney, Matthew T ; Newcomb, Tara M ; Viollet, Louis ; Huff, Chad ; Jorde, Lynn B ; Reyna, Sandra P ; Murphy, Kelley J ; Shianna, Kevin V ; Gumbs, Curtis E ; Little, Latasha ; Silver, Kenneth ; Ptáček, Louis J ; Haan, Joost ; Ferrari, Michel D ; Bye, Ann M ; Herkes, Geoffrey K ; Whitelaw, Charlotte M ; Webb, David ; Lynch, Bryan J ; Uldall, Peter ; King, Mary D ; Scheffer, Ingrid E ; Neri, Giovanni ; Arzimanoglou, Alexis ; van den Maagdenberg, Arn M J M ; Sisodiya, Sanjay M ; Mikati, Mohamad A ; Goldstein, David B
    Publisher:New York: Nature Publishing Group US
    Journal title:Nature genetics, 2012-09, Vol.44 (9), p.1030-1034
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    Author / Creator:Heavin, Sinéad B. ; McCormack, Mark ; Wolking, Stefan ; Slattery, Lisa ; Walley, Nicole ; Avbersek, Andreja ; Novy, Jan ; Sinha, Saurabh R. ; Radtke, Rod ; Doherty, Colin ; Auce, Pauls ; Craig, John ; Johnson, Michael R. ; Koeleman, Bobby P. C. ; Krause, Roland ; Kunz, Wolfram S. ; Marson, Anthony G. ; O'Brien, Terence J. ; Sander, Josemir W. ; Sills, Graeme J. ; Stefansson, Hreinn ; Striano, Pasquale ; Zara, Federico ; Depondt, Chantal ; Sisodiya, Sanjay ; Goldstein, David ; Lerche, Holger ; Cavalleri, Gianpiero L. ; Delanty, Norman
    Publisher:United States: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    Journal title:Epilepsia open, 2019-12, Vol.4 (4), p.563-571
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    Author / Creator:Splinter, Kimberly ; Adams, David R ; Bacino, Carlos A ; Bellen, Hugo J ; Bernstein, Jonathan A ; Cheatle-Jarvela, Alys M ; Eng, Christine M ; Esteves, Cecilia ; Gahl, William A ; Hamid, Rizwan ; Jacob, Howard J ; Kikani, Bijal ; Koeller, David M ; Kohane, Isaac S ; Lee, Brendan H ; Loscalzo, Joseph ; Luo, Xi ; McCray, Alexa T ; Metz, Thomas O ; Mulvihill, John J ; Nelson, Stanley F ; Palmer, Christina G.S ; Phillips, John A ; Pick, Leslie ; Postlethwait, John H ; Reuter, Chloe ; Shashi, Vandana ; Sweetser, David A ; Tifft, Cynthia J ; Walley, Nicole M ; Wangler, Michael F ; Westerfield, Monte ; Wheeler, Matthew T ; Wise, Anastasia L ; Worthey, Elizabeth A ; Yamamoto, Shinya ; Ashley, Euan A
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2018-11, Vol.379 (22), p.2131-2139
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    Author / Creator:Cavalleri, Gianpiero L, PhD ; Weale, Michael E, PhD ; Shianna, Kevin V, PhD ; Singh, Rinki, MD ; Lynch, John M, MD ; Grinton, Bronwyn, BSc ; Szoeke, Cassandra, PhD ; Murphy, Kevin, MD ; Kinirons, Peter, MD ; O'Rourke, Deirdre, MD ; Ge, Dongliang, PhD ; Depondt, Chantal, PhD ; Claeys, Kristl G, PhD ; Pandolfo, Massimo, MD ; Gumbs, Curtis, BS ; Walley, Nicole, BS ; McNamara, James, MD ; Mulley, John C, PhD ; Linney, Kristen N, RN ; Sheffield, Leslie J, FRACP ; Radtke, Rodney A, MD ; Tate, Sarah K, PhD ; Chissoe, Stephanie L, PhD ; Gibson, Rachel A, PhD ; Hosford, David, MD ; Stanton, Alice, PhD ; Graves, Tracey D, MRCP ; Hanna, Michael G, FRCP ; Eriksson, Kai, MD ; Kantanen, Anne-Mari, MD ; Kalviainen, Reetta, MD ; O'Brien, Terence J, MD ; Sander, Josemir W, MD, FRCP ; Duncan, John S, FCRP ; Scheffer, Ingrid E, PhD ; Berkovic, Samuel F, MD ; Wood, Nicholas W, FRCP ; Doherty, Colin P, MRCPI ; Delanty, Norman, FRCPI ; Sisodiya, Sanjay M, PhD ; Goldstein, David B, PhD
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:Lancet neurology, 2007-11, Vol.6 (11), p.970-980
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    Author / Creator:McCormack, Mark ; Urban, Thomas J ; Shianna, Kevin V ; Walley, Nicole ; Pandolfo, Massimo ; Depondt, Chantal ; Chaila, Elijah ; O ’Conner, Gerard D ; Kasperavi či ūt ė, Dalia ; Radtke, Rodney A ; Heinzen, Erin L ; Sisodiya, Sanjay M ; Delanty, Norman ; Cavalleri, Gianpiero L
    Publisher:England: Future Medicine Ltd
    Journal title:Pharmacogenomics, 2012-03, Vol.13 (4), p.399-405
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    Author / Creator:McCormack, Mark ; Alfirevic, Ana ; Bourgeois, Stephane ; Farrell, John J. ; Kasperavičiūtė, Dalia ; Carrington, Mary ; Sills, Graeme J. ; Marson, Tony ; Jia, Xiaoming ; de Bakker, Paul I.W. ; Chinthapalli, Krishna ; Molokhia, Mariam ; Johnson, Michael R. ; O’Connor, Gerard D. ; Chaila, Elijah ; Alhusaini, Saud ; Shianna, Kevin V. ; Radtke, Rodney A. ; Heinzen, Erin L. ; Walley, Nicole ; Pandolfo, Massimo ; Pichler, Werner ; Park, B. Kevin ; Depondt, Chantal ; Sisodiya, Sanjay M. ; Goldstein, David B. ; Deloukas, Panos ; Delanty, Norman ; Cavalleri, Gianpiero L. ; Pirmohamed, Munir
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2011-03, Vol.364 (12), p.1134-1143
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    Author / Creator:Sisodiya, Sanjay M ; Thompson, Pamela J ; Need, Anna ; Harris, Sarah E ; Weale, Michael E ; Wilkie, Susan E ; Michaelides, Michel ; Free, Samantha L ; Walley, Nicole ; Gumbs, Curtis ; Gerrelli, Dianne ; Ruddle, Piers ; Whalley, Lawrence J ; Starr, John M ; Hunt, David M ; Goldstein, David B ; Deary, Ian J ; Moore, Anthony T
    Publisher:London: BMJ Publishing Group Ltd
    Journal title:Journal of medical genetics, 2007-06, Vol.44 (6), p.373-380
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    Author / Creator:Walley, Nicole
    Publisher:Cranbury: Intellisphere, LLC
    Journal title:Infection control today, 2025-01
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    Author / Creator:Walley, Nicole M ; Pena, Loren D. M ; Hooper, Stephen R ; Cope, Heidi ; Jiang, Yong-Hui ; McConkie-Rosell, Allyn ; Sanders, Camilla ; Schoch, Kelly ; Spillmann, Rebecca C ; Strong, Kimberly ; McCray, Alexa T ; Mazur, Paul ; Esteves, Cecilia ; LeBlanc, Kimberly ; , ; Wise, Anastasia L ; Shashi, Vandana
    Publisher:BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:BMC Health Services Research, 2018, Vol.18 (1)
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    Author / Creator:Spillmann, Rebecca C ; McConkie-Rosell, Allyn ; Pena, Loren ; Jiang, Yong-Hui ; , ; Schoch, Kelly ; Walley, Nicole ; Sanders, Camilla ; Sullivan, Jennifer ; Hooper, Stephen R ; Shashi, Vandana
    Publisher:BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 2017, Vol.12 (1)
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    Author / Creator:Ruiter, Jos P.N. ; van Lint, Alida E.M. ; Pras-Raves, Mia ; Wever, Eric ; Guillen Sacoto, Maria J. ; Begtrup, Amber ; Tarnopolsky, Mark ; Sell, Susan L. ; Nowak, Catherine B. ; Douglas, Jessica ; Perlman, Seth ; Martin, Nicole ; Brault, Jennifer ; Gahl, William A. ; Alejandro, Mercedes E. ; Dai, Hongzheng ; Dhar, Shweta U. ; Hanchard, Neil A. ; Lee, Brendan H. ; Moretti, Paolo M. ; Murdock, David R. ; Nicholas, Sarah K. ; Potocki, Lorraine ; Scott, Daryl A. ; Eng, Christine M. ; Deardorff, Matthew ; Hassey, Kelly ; Sullivan, Kathleen ; Tan, Queenie K.-G. ; Beggs, Alan H. ; Berry, Gerard T. ; Cooper, Cynthia M. ; Pallais, J. Carl ; Rodan, Lance H. ; Kelley, Emily G. ; Morava, Eva ; Forghani, Irman ; Lam, Byron ; Levitt, Roy ; Liu, Xue Zhong ; McCauley, Jacob ; Tekin, Mustafa ; Thorson, Willa ; Findley, Laurie C. ; Krasnewich, Donna M. ; Manolio, Teri A. ; Goldrich, Madison P. ; Draper, David D. ; Nath, Avi ; Pusey, Barbara N. ; Toro, Camilo ; Baker, Eva ; Gochuico, Bernadette ; Mosbrook-Davis, Deborah ; Rossignol, Francis ; Adam, Margaret ; Amendola, Laura ; Cunningham, Michael ; Jarvik, Gail P. ; Jarvik, Jeffrey ; Lam, Christina ; Raskind, Wendy ; Sybert, Virginia ; Ashley, Euan A. ; Coakley, Terra R. ; Hom, Jason ; Majcherska, Marta M. ; Martin, Beth A. ; Marwaha, Shruti ; Ruzhnikov, Maura ; Tabor, Holly K. ; Tucker, Brianna M. ; Zastrow, Diane B. ; Byrd, William E. ; Dell’Angelica, Esteban C. ; Douine, Emilie D. ; Mak, Bryan C. ; Martin, Martin G. ; Martínez-Agosto, Julian A. ; McGee, Elisabeth ; Nelson, Stanley F. ; Parker, Neil H. ; Sinsheimer, Janet S. ; Wang, Lee-kai ; Perry, Katherine Wesseling ; Woods, Jeremy D. ; Pace, Laura ; Marth, Gabor ; Viskochil, Dave ; Bayrak-Toydemir, Pinar ; Duncan, Laura ; Robertson, Amy K. ; Solem, Emily ; Schedl, Timothy ; Shin, Jimann ; Solnica-Krezel, Lilianna ; Waisfisz, Quinten ; Zwijnenburg, Petra J.G. ; Wanders, Ronald J.A. ; Vaz, Frédéric M.
    Publisher:New York: Elsevier Inc
    Journal title:Genetics in medicine, 2021-04, Vol.23 (4), p.740-750
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    Author / Creator:Kurata, Harley T. ; Jamra, Rami Abou ; Alkelai, Anna ; Antonarakis, Stylianos E. ; Bolkier, Yoav ; Dickson, Patricia ; Donald, Kirsten A. ; Eliyahu, Aviva ; Emrick, Lisa ; Odent, Sylvie ; Ortiz-Gonzalez, Xilma ; Rosenfeld, Jill A. ; Skraban, Cara ; Alejandro, Mercedes E. ; Azamian, Mahshid S. ; Chao, Hsiao-Tuan ; Dai, Hongzheng ; Dhar, Shweta U. ; Karaviti, Lefkothea ; Lee, Brendan H. ; Rosenfeld, Jill A. ; Scott, Daryl A. ; Wangler, Michael F. ; Eng, Christine M. ; Sullivan, Kathleen ; Goldstein, David B. ; McConkie-Rosell, Allyn ; Schoch, Kelly ; Shashi, Vandana ; Beggs, Alan H. ; Cobban, Laurel A. ; Cooper, Cynthia M. ; Fieg, Elizabeth L. ; Korrick, Susan ; Loscalzo, Joseph ; Maas, Richard L. ; MacRae, Calum A. ; Stoler, Joan M. ; Nagy, Anna ; Dasari, Surendra ; Lanpher, Brendan C. ; Bivona, Stephanie ; Isasi, Rosario ; Levitt, Roy ; Tekin, Mustafa ; Thorson, Willa ; Eckstein, David J. ; Mamounas, Laura A. ; D’Souza, Precilla ; Ferreira, Carlos ; Godfrey, Rena A. ; Groden, Catherine A. ; Macnamara, Ellen F. ; Maduro, Valerie V. ; Nath, Avi ; Baker, Eva ; Power, Bradley ; Mosbrook-Davis, Deborah ; Rossignol, Francis ; Yousef, Muhammad ; Amendola, Laura ; Bamshad, Michael ; Beck, Anita ; Bennett, Jimmy ; Blue, Elizabeth ; Chanprasert, Sirisak ; Glass, Ian ; Jarvik, Gail P. ; Jarvik, Jeffrey ; Mefford, Heather ; Merritt, J. Lawrence ; Raskind, Wendy ; Sybert, Virginia ; Wener, Mark ; Wenger, Tara ; Fisher, Paul G. ; Reuter, Chloe M. ; Smith, Kevin S. ; Zastrow, Diane B. ; Nakano-Okuno, Mariko ; Whitlock, Jordan ; Butte, Manish J. ; Fogel, Brent L. ; Krakow, Deborah ; Lee, Hane ; Palmer, Christina G.S. ; Papp, Jeanette C. ; Woods, Jeremy D. ; Andrews, Ashley ; Pace, Laura ; Viskochil, Dave ; Bican, Anna ; Kennedy, Jennifer ; Cogan, Joy D. ; Cole, F. Sessions ; Kiley, Dana ; Sisco, Kathy ; Schedl, Timothy ; Solnica-Krezel, Lilianna ; Pitt, Geoffrey S.
    Publisher:New York: Elsevier Inc
    Journal title:Genetics in medicine, 2021-10, Vol.23 (10), p.1922-1932
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