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    Author / Creator:Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons.
    Publisher:[London] : House of Commons, 2004.
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    Corrigendum to the Australian code for the transport of...

    Author / Creator:Australia. Federal Office of Road Safety.
    Publisher:Canberra : Australian Govt. Pub. Service, c1993.
    Call Numbers:NQ363.1672099/2
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    Author / Creator:Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons.
    Publisher:[London] : House of Commons, 1984.
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    Author / Creator:Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons.
    Publisher:[London] : House of Commons, 1984.
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    Publisher:Canberra : Australian Bureau of Statistics, 1982.
    Call Numbers:TQ043686 Corrigendum Cat. no. 3217.0, 3218.0 + 3101.0
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    Author / Creator:Le, Quy ; Hadland, Brandon ; Smith, Jenny L ; Leonti, Amanda ; Huang, Benjamin J ; Ries, Rhonda ; Hylkema, Tiffany A ; Castro, Sommer ; Tang, Thao T ; McKay, Cyd N ; Perkins, LaKeisha ; Pardo, Laura ; Sarthy, Jay ; Beckman, Amy K ; Williams, Robin ; Idemmili, Rhonda ; Furlan, Scott ; Ishida, Takashi ; Call, Lindsey ; Srivastava, Shivani ; Loeb, Anisha M ; Milano, Filippo ; Imren, Suzan ; Morris, Shelli M ; Pakiam, Fiona ; Olson, Jim M ; Loken, Michael R ; Brodersen, Lisa ; Riddell, Stanley R ; Tarlock, Katherine ; Bernstein, Irwin D ; Loeb, Keith R ; Meshinchi, Soheil
    Publisher:American Society for Clinical Investigation
    Journal title:The Journal of clinical investigation, 2024-08, Vol.134 (16)
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    Author / Creator:Beach, Callum ; MacLean, David ; Majorova, Dominika ; Melemenidis, Stavros ; Nambiar, Dhanya K ; Kim, Ryan K ; Valbuena, Gabriel N ; Guglietta, Silvia ; Krieg, Carsten ; Darvish-Damavandi, Mahnaz ; Suwa, Tatsuya ; Easton, Alistair ; Hillson, Lily V.S ; McCulloch, Ashley K ; McMahon, Ross K ; Pennel, Kathryn ; Edwards, Joanne ; O'Cathail, Sean M ; Roxburgh, Campbell S ; Domingo, Enric ; Moon, Eui Jung ; Jiang, Dadi ; Jiang, Yanyan ; Zhang, Qingyang ; Koong, Albert C ; Woodruff, Trent M ; Graves, Edward E ; Maughan, Tim ; Buczacki, Simon J.A ; Stucki, Manuel ; Le, Quynh-Thu ; Leedham, Simon J ; Giaccia, Amato J ; Olcina, Monica M
    Publisher:American Society for Clinical Investigation
    Journal title:The Journal of clinical investigation, 2024-08, Vol.134 (16)
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    Author / Creator:Beach, Callum ; MacLean, David ; Majorova, Dominika ; Melemenidis, Stavros ; Nambiar, Dhanya K ; Kim, Ryan K ; Valbuena, Gabriel N ; Guglietta, Silvia ; Krieg, Carsten ; Darvish-Damavandi, Mahnaz ; Suwa, Tatsuya ; Easton, Alistair ; Hillson, Lily V.S ; McCulloch, Ashley K ; McMahon, Ross K ; Pennel, Kathryn ; Edwards, Joanne ; O'Cathail, Sean M ; Roxburgh, Campbell S ; Domingo, Enric ; Moon, Eui Jung ; Jiang, Dadi ; Jiang, Yanyan ; Zhang, Qingyang ; Koong, Albert C ; Woodruff, Trent M ; Graves, Edward E ; Maughan, Tim ; Buczacki, Simon J.A ; Stucki, Manuel ; Le, Quynh-Thu ; Leedham, Simon J ; Giaccia, Amato J ; Olcina, Monica M
    Publisher:American Society for Clinical Investigation
    Journal title:The Journal of clinical investigation, 2024-08, Vol.134 (16)
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    Author / Creator:Ding, Jingzhong ; Nguyen, Anh Tram ; Lohman, Kurt ; Hensley, Michael T ; Parker, Daniel ; Hou, Li ; Taylor, Jackson ; Voora, Deepak ; Sawyer, Janet K ; Boudyguina, Elena ; Bancks, Michael P ; Bertoni, Alain ; Pankow, James S ; Rotter, Jerome I ; Goodarzi, Mark O ; Tracy, Russell P ; Murdoch, David M ; Duprez, Daniel ; Rich, Stephen S ; Psaty, Bruce M ; Siscovick, David ; Newgard, Christopher B ; Herrington, David ; Hoeschele, Ina ; Shea, Steven ; Stein, James H ; Patel, Manesh ; Post, Wendy ; Jacobs, David, Jr ; Parks, John S ; Liu, Yongmei
    Publisher:American Society for Clinical Investigation
    Journal title:The Journal of clinical investigation, 2024-08, Vol.134 (16)
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    Author / Creator:Ding, Jingzhong ; Nguyen, Anh Tram ; Lohman, Kurt ; Hensley, Michael T ; Parker, Daniel ; Hou, Li ; Taylor, Jackson ; Voora, Deepak ; Sawyer, Janet K ; Boudyguina, Elena ; Bancks, Michael P ; Bertoni, Alain ; Pankow, James S ; Rotter, Jerome I ; Goodarzi, Mark O ; Tracy, Russell P ; Murdoch, David M ; Duprez, Daniel ; Rich, Stephen S ; Psaty, Bruce M ; Siscovick, David ; Newgard, Christopher B ; Herrington, David ; Hoeschele, Ina ; Shea, Steven ; Stein, James H ; Patel, Manesh ; Post, Wendy ; Jacobs, David, Jr ; Parks, John S ; Liu, Yongmei
    Publisher:American Society for Clinical Investigation
    Journal title:The Journal of clinical investigation, 2024-08, Vol.134 (16)
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    Author / Creator:Idemmili, Rhonda ; Pakiam, Fiona ; Milano, Filippo ; Williams, Robin ; Call, Lindsey ; Brodersen, Lisa ; Sarthy, Jay ; Tarlock, Katherine ; Imren, Suzan ; Loeb, Keith R ; Furlan, Scott ; Bernstein, Irwin D ; McKay, Cyd N ; Huang, Benjamin J ; Beckman, Amy K ; Loken, Michael R ; Riddell, Stanley R ; Hadland, Brandon ; Tang, Thao T ; Smith, Jenny L ; Olson, Jim M ; Leonti, Amanda ; Pardo, Laura ; Ishida, Takashi ; Loeb, Anisha M ; Morris, Shelli M ; Ries, Rhonda ; Hylkema, Tiffany A ; Perkins, LaKeisha ; Srivastava, Shivani ; Meshinchi, Soheil ; Le, Quy ; Castro, Sommer
    Publisher:American Society for Clinical Investigation
    Journal title:The Journal of clinical investigation, 2024-08, Vol.134 (16)
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    Author / Creator:Buczacki, Simon J.A ; Majorova, Dominika ; Olcina, Monica M ; Graves, Edward E ; Stucki, Manuel ; Maughan, Tim ; Easton, Alistair ; Domingo, Enric ; Jiang, Dadi ; Nambiar, Dhanya K ; O'Cathail, Sean M ; MacLean, David ; Koong, Albert C ; Giaccia, Amato J ; Moon, Eui Jung ; Beach, Callum ; Kim, Ryan K ; Guglietta, Silvia ; Krieg, Carsten ; Le, Quynh-Thu ; Leedham, Simon J ; Darvish-Damavandi, Mahnaz ; Roxburgh, Campbell S ; Suwa, Tatsuya ; Pennel, Kathryn ; McMahon, Ross K ; Woodruff, Trent M ; Valbuena, Gabriel N ; Hillson, Lily V.S ; Zhang, Qingyang ; McCulloch, Ashley K ; Jiang, Yanyan ; Melemenidis, Stavros ; Edwards, Joanne
    Publisher:American Society for Clinical Investigation
    Journal title:The Journal of clinical investigation, 2024-08, Vol.134 (16)
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    Author / Creator:Patel, Manesh ; Hou, Li ; Stein, James H ; Rotter, Jerome I ; Psaty, Bruce M ; Newgard, Christopher B ; Lohman, Kurt ; Voora, Deepak ; Parks, John S ; Hoeschele, Ina ; Duprez, Daniel ; Hensley, Michael T ; Bertoni, Alain ; Goodarzi, Mark O ; Tracy, Russell P ; Post, Wendy ; Liu, Yongmei ; Parker, Daniel ; Taylor, Jackson ; Sawyer, Janet K ; Ding, Jingzhong ; Boudyguina, Elena ; Rich, Stephen S ; Pankow, James S ; Jacobs, David, Jr ; Murdoch, David M ; Nguyen, Anh Tram ; Siscovick, David ; Shea, Steven ; Bancks, Michael P ; Herrington, David
    Publisher:American Society for Clinical Investigation
    Journal title:The Journal of clinical investigation, 2024-08, Vol.134 (16)
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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Le, Quy ; Hadland, Brandon ; Smith, Jenny L ; Leonti, Amanda ; Huang, Benjamin J ; Ries, Rhonda ; Hylkema, Tiffany A ; Castro, Sommer ; Tang, Thao T ; McKay, Cyd N ; Perkins, LaKeisha ; Pardo, Laura ; Sarthy, Jay ; Beckman, Amy K ; Williams, Robin ; Idemmili, Rhonda ; Furlan, Scott ; Ishida, Takashi ; Call, Lindsey ; Srivastava, Shivani ; Loeb, Anisha M ; Milano, Filippo ; Imren, Suzan ; Morris, Shelli M ; Pakiam, Fiona ; Olson, Jim M ; Loken, Michael R ; Brodersen, Lisa ; Riddell, Stanley R ; Tarlock, Katherine ; Bernstein, Irwin D ; Loeb, Keith R ; Meshinchi, Soheil
    Publisher:American Society for Clinical Investigation
    Journal title:The Journal of clinical investigation, 2024-08, Vol.134 (16)
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    Author / Creator:Skuli, Nicolas ; Majmundar, Amar J ; Krock, Bryan L ; Mesquita, Rickson C ; Mathew, Lijoy K ; Quinn, Zachary L ; Runge, Anja ; Liu, Liping ; Kim, Meeri N ; Liang, Jiaming ; Schenkel, Steven ; Yodh, Arjun G ; Keith, Brian ; Simon, M. Celeste
    Publisher:American Society for Clinical Investigation
    Journal title:The Journal of clinical investigation, 2024-04, Vol.134 (8)
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