ExportPrintEmailExport this recordExport to excelPrintExport record to excelFile type to downloadXLSXCSVBeta versionSelect record 1JournalsChinese journal of agricultural biotechnology.Publisher:Wallingford, Oxfordshire : CABI Pub., ©2004-[2009]See Full Recordpreview record
ExportPrintEmailExport this recordExport to excelPrintExport record to excelFile type to downloadXLSXCSVBeta versionSelect record 2JournalsBiotechnologie, agronomie, société et environnement = Biotechnology, agronomy, society and environment : BASE / CRA, Gembloux [et] Gembloux, Faculté universitaire des sciences agronomiques. [electroni...Publisher:Gembloux (Belgique) : Bibliothèque de la Faculté, 1997-Date:1997-See Full Recordpreview record
ExportPrintEmailExport this recordExport to excelPrintExport record to excelFile type to downloadXLSXCSVBeta versionSelect record 3JournalsRevista colombiana de investigaciones agroindustriales.Publisher:Valle del Cauca, Colombia : Centro Agropecuario SENA Buga, [2014]-See Full Recordpreview record
ExportPrintEmailExport this recordExport to excelPrintExport record to excelFile type to downloadXLSXCSVBeta versionSelect record 4JournalsAgricultural biotechnology.Publisher:Pawtucket, RI : Wu Chu (USA-China) Science and Culture Media Corp.See Full Recordpreview record
ExportPrintEmailExport this recordExport to excelPrintExport record to excelFile type to downloadXLSXCSVBeta versionSelect record 5JournalsChemical and biological technologies in agriculture.Publisher:Heidelberg, Germany : Springer-Verlag, GmbH, 2014-See Full Recordpreview record