File 07: Max, Kangaloon negs [negat...
File 07: Max, Kangaloon negs [negatives] (last?), 1992 / photographed by Max Dupain
File 07: Max, Kangaloon negs [negat...
File 07: Max, Kangaloon negs [negatives] (last?), 1992 / photographed by Max Dupain
Item 31: Lakemba Community Garden, 56 Railway Parade, Lakemba, 30 August 2017 / photograph by Geoff...
Item 14: [Sea purslane, Sesuvium portulacastrum and Coastal jack bean, Canavalia rosea, 2017] / draw...
H304: Pleurophyllum hookeri in flower / Harold Hamilton
File 08: Botanical folder no. 1, Australian, 1983-2011 / drawn by William T. Cooper
Item 2: Photograph of Joan Domicelj, 24 January 2019 / by Martin Fallding
Item 31: Opening smoking ceremony, Nimbin MardiGrass, New South Wales, 2 May 2021, photograph by Pet...
Item 14: [Motley Grey - Tortrix Australana], 1803 / J.W. Lewin
Botanic Gardens [Sydney]
Picnic frolic at Cedar Creek - Wollombi, NSW
File 09: Lionel Lindsay in his garden at Wahroonga
(a) Xylomelum pyriforme
H014: Stilbocarpa polaris and Acaena adscendens / Harold Hamilton
Yass races
File 049: Family picnic, 3 January 1943
Rhodes, Ryde, Parramatta River / [attributed to C. Bayliss]
Item 05: Alexandria Park Community Garden, Buckland Street, Alexandria, 17 April 2017 / photograph b...
Ramie series (cotton substitute), 18 January 1940 / photographed by A. Grimes
Beryl [Murreir?] armless woman, 3 May 1938 / photographed by Ives
4. Bombyx tristis feeds on Leptospermum or Pultensea villos
Northern Territory miscellaneous, 18 October 1943 / photographed by Ivan Ives
Australian Xmas Flowers, From Bulli Pass
Cactus garden / photographed by C. (Les) Lynch
53. Conference at the Zoo
8. Custard apples on a farm near Brisbane, n.d. / ANTA (P.4490)
Cactus garden / photographed by C. (Les) Lynch
Crematorium, 11 December 1962 / photographs by David Beal
File 08: Bad Dog : The Tempe Flower Show, Jets Sports Club, Tempe, New South Wales, 2 October 2011,...
Rose pruning series by Mr Alan Seale, 5 March 1962 / photographs by Alec Iverson
160. Copy photograph of woman for Miss Stone, June 1935
Page 8
A.W.A.S. school at Killara, 21 March 1944 / photographed by N. Herfort
Bookplate collection, ca. 1890-1937 / compiled by John Lane Mullins
File 003: Photographs of gardens
Hood Collection part II, Box 028, nos. 008-028 : Country Week hockey; Military polo; Mrs Oldfield an...
Cecilia Coucke. Dancer, December 1958
PXD 388 v. 2 no. 3
Linoleum Manufacture Auburn, 26 July 1945 / photographed by Vic Johnston
Item 3: Miles Franklin. Papers. Mis...
Item 3: Miles Franklin. Papers. Miscellaneous. Floral birthday book, 1886
22 Hop picking, Salmon Ponds, no.21 published Walkabout Mar 1942 / ANPA (P.5925 P.5927)
Mrs Max Walters and son show Terramungamine garden to US tourists
19. Banksia serrata
21. Conospermum ericifolium
Bookplate collection, ca. 1890-1937 / compiled by John Lane Mullins
27. "Stripping the [hop] lines", Derwent Valley, 1950 / Tas. Govt. Photo. Lab. (7747)
File 09: Botanical folder no. 2, Africa, India, New Guinea, Malaya, 1970-1978 / drawn by William T....
Item 01: 1-78. Unpublished drawings of Australian orchids, ca. 1879-1891 / by R. D. Fitzgerald
Red Cross farm at Menangle
36. Frances (Mrs John) McLaren and daughter of 14 Essington Lewis Ave, Whyalla
Chinese paintings / albums owned by David Scott Mitchell
41. Pomaderris lanigera
Page 41
Item 2: Rainforest, botanicals, 1967-2014 / drawn by William T. Cooper
Hamon Massie family pictorial collection, including watercolours by Anna Sarah Rachel Wauch of life...
Item 01: 1-78. Unpublished drawings of Australian orchids, ca. 1879-1891 / by R. D. Fitzgerald
Item 01: 1-78. Unpublished drawings of Australian orchids, ca. 1879-1891 / by R. D. Fitzgerald
Page 49
62. Botanical Gardens, Sydney
65. Dodonaea triquetra
Volume 05: Drawings of plants of New South Wales, approximately 259 botanical watercolours
Page 64
Page 73
ITEM 02: Fruit drawings. The Original Artwork of William T. Cooper AO from Fruits of the Australian...
92. Melaleuca linariifolia
96. Plectranthus australis
99. Bignonia australis [Pandorea pandorana]
101. Myoporum acuminatum
102. Pelargonium australe
107. Glycine bimaculata [Glycine tabacina?]
113. Bossiaea heterophylla
115. Lodden Falls, Illawarra, N.S.W.
View of Estate from Flaggy Hill - Homestead in hte distance and historic George's Hall Estate. Page...
153. Physalis naturalized
155. Water Melon
162. Stachys arvensis
163. Hibiscus
168. Eriostemon buxifolium
179. Gompholobium; 180. Poranthera ericafolia
183. Westringia rosmarinifolia [Westringia fruiticosa]; 184. Glossodia major
186. Bauera rubioides
191. Tetratheca ericifolia ; 192. Dillwynia glaberrima ; 193. Epacris microphylla
194. [Agriculture and fishing (including coffee, rubber, agricultural education, markets and rainfal...
216. Ficus rubiginosa
225. The branch of a species of Eucalyptus bearing galls ...
240. Pomaderris ligustrina
242. Hibberta
251. Marsdenia suaveolens
252. Unidentified plant
254. Platylobium
256. Clematis glycinoides
259. Trachymene
262. Signed: I.W.L. 30 Nov. 1805
263. Wikstroemia indica
268. Helichrysum diosmifolium [Ozothamnus diosmifolius]
269. Eustrephus latifolius
272. Goodenia heterophylla
1755. Lasiopetalum purpureum. Purpl...
1755. Lasiopetalum purpureum. Purple-flowered Lasiopetalum, 1815.
Volume 05: Drawings of plants of New South Wales, approximately 259 botanical watercolours
Part 02: Rex Nixon letters, 21 May 1915-27 December 1916
764. Melbourne, undated. Includes Parliament House, National Gallery, Botanical Gardens, Stephanie A...