5 results for Besse,+Benjamin,+Prof

5 results for Besse,+Benjamin,+Prof

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    Author / Creator:O’Brien, Mary, Prof ; Paz-Ares, Luis, Prof ; Marreaud, Sandrine, MD ; Dafni, Urania, Prof ; Oselin, Kersti, PhD ; Havel, Libor, MD ; Esteban, Emilio, Prof ; Isla, Dolores, MD ; Martinez-Marti, Alex, MD ; Faehling, Martin, MD ; Tsuboi, Masahiro, Prof ; Lee, Jong-Seok, Prof ; Nakagawa, Kazuhiko, Prof ; Yang, Jing, PhD ; Samkari, Ayman, MD ; Keller, Steven M, MD ; Mauer, Murielle, PhD ; Jha, Nitish, MSc ; Stahel, Rolf, Prof ; Besse, Benjamin, Prof ; Peters, Solange, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2022-10, Vol.23 (10), p.1274-1286
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    Author / Creator:Solomon, Benjamin J, Prof ; Besse, Benjamin, Prof ; Bauer, Todd M, MD ; Felip, Enriqueta, MD ; Soo, Ross A, MD ; Camidge, D Ross, Prof ; Chiari, Rita, MD ; Bearz, Alessandra, MD ; Lin, Chia-Chi, MD ; Gadgeel, Shirish M, Prof ; Riely, Gregory J, MD ; Tan, Eng Huat, MBBS ; Seto, Takashi, Prof ; James, Leonard P, MD ; Clancy, Jill S, BS ; Abbattista, Antonello, BSc ; Martini, Jean-François, PhD ; Chen, Joseph, PharmD ; Peltz, Gerson, MD ; Thurm, Holger, MD ; Ou, Sai-Hong Ignatius, Prof ; Shaw, Alice T, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2018-12, Vol.19 (12), p.1654-1667
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    Author / Creator:Trigo, José, MD ; Subbiah, Vivek, MD ; Besse, Benjamin, Prof ; Moreno, Victor, MD ; López, Rafael, MD ; Sala, María Angeles, MD ; Peters, Solange, MD ; Ponce, Santiago, MD ; Fernández, Cristian, MD ; Alfaro, Vicente, PhD ; Gómez, Javier, MSc ; Kahatt, Carmen, MD ; Zeaiter, Ali, MD ; Zaman, Khalil, MD ; Boni, Valentina, MD ; Arrondeau, Jennifer, MD ; Martínez, Maite, MD ; Delord, Jean-Pierre, Prof ; Awada, Ahmad, MD ; Kristeleit, Rebecca, MD ; Olmedo, Maria Eugenia, MD ; Wannesson, Luciano, MD ; Valdivia, Javier, MD ; Rubio, María Jesús, MD ; Anton, Antonio, MD ; Sarantopoulos, John, MD ; Chawla, Sant P, MD ; Mosquera-Martinez, Joaquín, MD ; D'Arcangelo, Manolo, MD ; Santoro, Armando, Prof ; Villalobos, Victor M, MD ; Sands, Jacob, MD ; Paz-Ares, Luis, MD
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2020-05, Vol.21 (5), p.645-654
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    Author / Creator:Shaw, Alice T, Prof ; Solomon, Benjamin J, Prof ; Chiari, Rita, MD ; Riely, Gregory J, MD ; Besse, Benjamin, Prof ; Soo, Ross A, MD ; Kao, Steven, MBChB ; Lin, Chia-Chi, MD ; Bauer, Todd M, MD ; Clancy, Jill S, BS ; Thurm, Holger, MD ; Martini, Jean-Francois, PhD ; Peltz, Gerson, MD ; Abbattista, Antonello, BSc ; Li, Sherry, MS ; Ou, Sai-Hong Ignatius, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2019-12, Vol.20 (12), p.1691-1701
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    Author / Creator:Benitez, Jose Carlos, MD ; Geraud, Arthur, MD ; Texier, Matthieu, MD ; Massard, Christophe, Prof ; Paci, Angelo, Prof ; Soria, Jean-Charles, Prof ; Besse, Benjamin, Prof
    Publisher:London: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2021-10, Vol.22 (10), p.e446-e455
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