112 results for Grob,+Jean+Jacques

112 results for Grob,+Jean+Jacques

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    Author / Creator:Syeda, Mahrukh M, MS ; Wiggins, Jennifer M, PhD ; Corless, Broderick C, BS ; Long, Georgina V, Prof ; Flaherty, Keith T, Prof ; Schadendorf, Dirk, Prof ; Nathan, Paul D, MD ; Robert, Caroline, Prof ; Ribas, Antoni, Prof ; Davies, Michael A, MD ; Grob, Jean Jacques, Prof ; Gasal, Eduard, MD ; Squires, Matthew, PhD ; Marker, Mahtab, PhD ; Garrett, James, PhD ; Brase, Jan C, PhD ; Polsky, David, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2021-03, Vol.22 (3), p.370-380
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    Author / Creator:Grob, Jean Jacques, Prof ; Garbe, Claus, Prof ; Ascierto, Paolo, Prof ; Larkin, James, Prof ; Dummer, Reinhard, Prof ; Schadendorf, Dirk, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2018-12, Vol.19 (12), p.e720-e725
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    Author / Creator:Baranda, Joaquina C. ; Robbrecht, Debbie ; Sullivan, Ryan ; Doger, Bernard ; Santoro, Armando ; Barve, Minal ; Grob, Jean‐Jacques ; Bechter, Oliver ; Vieito, Maria ; Miguel, Maria Jose ; Schadendorf, Dirk ; Johnson, Melissa ; Pouzin, Clemence ; Cantalloube, Cathy ; Wang, Rui ; Lee, Jooyun ; Chen, Xiaofei ; Demers, Brigitte ; Amrate, Amele ; Abbadessa, Giovanni ; Hodi, F. Stephen
    Publisher:United States: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    Journal title:Clinical and translational science, 2024-06, Vol.17 (6), p.e13854-n/a
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    Author / Creator:Robbrecht, Debbie ; Grob, Jean‐Jacques ; Bechter, Oliver ; Simonelli, Matteo ; Doger, Bernard ; Borbath, Ivan ; Butler, Marcus O. ; Cheng, Tina ; Romano, Patricia Martin ; Pons‐Tostivint, Elvire ; Di Nicola, Massimo ; Curigliano, Giuseppe ; Ryu, Min‐Hee ; Rodriguez‐Vida, Alejo ; Schadendorf, Dirk ; Garralda, Elena ; Abbadessa, Giovanni ; Demers, Brigitte ; Amrate, Amele ; Wang, Hong ; Lee, Joon Sang ; Pomponio, Robert ; Wang, Rui
    Publisher:United States: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    Journal title:Clinical and translational science, 2024-02, Vol.17 (2), p.e13736-n/a
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    Author / Creator:Grob, Jean Jacques
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2018-05, Vol.19 (5), p.580-581
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    Author / Creator:Robert, Caroline, Prof ; Ribas, Antoni, Prof ; Schachter, Jacob, Prof ; Arance, Ana, MD ; Grob, Jean-Jacques, Prof ; Mortier, Laurent, Prof ; Daud, Adil, Prof ; Carlino, Matteo S, MB ; McNeil, Catriona M, MD ; Lotem, Michal, Prof ; Larkin, James M G, Prof ; Lorigan, Paul, Prof ; Neyns, Bart, Prof ; Blank, Christian U, Prof ; Petrella, Teresa M, MD ; Hamid, Omid, MD ; Su, Shu-Chih, PhD ; Krepler, Clemens, MD ; Ibrahim, Nageatte, MD ; Long, Georgina V, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2019-09, Vol.20 (9), p.1239-1251
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    Author / Creator:Hodi, Frank Stephen, MD ; Chiarion-Sileni, Vanna, MD ; Gonzalez, Rene, Prof ; Grob, Jean-Jacques, Prof ; Rutkowski, Piotr, Prof ; Cowey, Charles Lance, MD ; Lao, Christopher D, MD ; Schadendorf, Dirk, Prof ; Wagstaff, John, Prof ; Dummer, Reinhard, MD ; Ferrucci, Pier Francesco, MD ; Smylie, Michael, MD ; Hill, Andrew, MD ; Hogg, David, MD ; Marquez-Rodas, Ivan, Prof ; Jiang, Joel, PhD ; Rizzo, Jasmine, MD ; Larkin, James, FRCP ; Wolchok, Jedd D, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2018-11, Vol.19 (11), p.1480-1492
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    Author / Creator:Eggermont, Alexander M.M ; Blank, Christian U ; Mandala, Mario ; Long, Georgina V ; Atkinson, Victoria ; Dalle, Stéphane ; Haydon, Andrew ; Lichinitser, Mikhail ; Khattak, Adnan ; Carlino, Matteo S ; Sandhu, Shahneen ; Larkin, James ; Puig, Susana ; Ascierto, Paolo A ; Rutkowski, Piotr ; Schadendorf, Dirk ; Koornstra, Rutger ; Hernandez-Aya, Leonel ; Maio, Michele ; van den Eertwegh, Alfonsus J.M ; Grob, Jean-Jacques ; Gutzmer, Ralf ; Jamal, Rahima ; Lorigan, Paul ; Ibrahim, Nageatte ; Marreaud, Sandrine ; van Akkooi, Alexander C.J ; Suciu, Stefan ; Robert, Caroline
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2018-05, Vol.378 (19), p.1789-1801
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    Author / Creator:Long, Georgina V, Prof ; Dummer, Reinhard, Prof ; Hamid, Omid, MD ; Gajewski, Thomas F, Prof ; Caglevic, Christian, MD ; Dalle, Stephane, Prof ; Arance, Ana, MD ; Carlino, Matteo S, PhD ; Grob, Jean-Jacques, Prof ; Kim, Tae Min, Prof ; Demidov, Lev, Prof ; Robert, Caroline, Prof ; Larkin, James, Prof ; Anderson, James R, PhD ; Maleski, Janet, BSN ; Jones, Mark, MD ; Diede, Scott J, MD ; Mitchell, Tara C, MD
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2019-08, Vol.20 (8), p.1083-1097
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    Author / Creator:Ascierto, Paolo A, Prof ; Del Vecchio, Michele, MD ; Mandalá, Mario, MD ; Gogas, Helen, Prof ; Arance, Ana M, MD ; Dalle, Stephane, Prof ; Cowey, C Lance, MD ; Schenker, Michael, MD ; Grob, Jean-Jacques, Prof ; Chiarion-Sileni, Vanna, MD ; Márquez-Rodas, Iván, Prof ; Butler, Marcus O, MD ; Maio, Michele, Prof ; Middleton, Mark R, Prof ; de la Cruz-Merino, Luis, MD ; Arenberger, Petr, Prof ; Atkinson, Victoria, MD ; Hill, Andrew, FRACP ; Fecher, Leslie A, MD ; Millward, Michael, Prof ; Khushalani, Nikhil I, Prof ; Queirolo, Paola, MD ; Lobo, Maurice, PharmD ; de Pril, Veerle, MsC ; Loffredo, John, PhD ; Larkin, James, Prof ; Weber, Jeffrey, MD
    Publisher:London: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2020-11, Vol.21 (11), p.1465-1477
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    Author / Creator:Eggermont, Alexander M.M ; Chiarion-Sileni, Vanna ; Grob, Jean-Jacques ; Dummer, Reinhard ; Wolchok, Jedd D ; Schmidt, Henrik ; Hamid, Omid ; Robert, Caroline ; Ascierto, Paolo A ; Richards, Jon M ; Lebbé, Céleste ; Ferraresi, Virginia ; Smylie, Michael ; Weber, Jeffrey S ; Maio, Michele ; Bastholt, Lars ; Mortier, Laurent ; Thomas, Luc ; Tahir, Saad ; Hauschild, Axel ; Hassel, Jessica C ; Hodi, F. Stephen ; Taitt, Corina ; de Pril, Veerle ; de Schaetzen, Gaetan ; Suciu, Stefan ; Testori, Alessandro
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2016-11, Vol.375 (19), p.1845-1855
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    Author / Creator:McQuade, Jennifer L, MD ; Daniel, Carrie R, PhD ; Hess, Kenneth R, Prof ; Mak, Carmen, PhD ; Wang, Daniel Y, MD ; Rai, Rajat R, MD ; Park, John J, MD ; Haydu, Lauren E, PhD ; Spencer, Christine, MPH ; Wongchenko, Matthew, BS ; Lane, Stephen, MS ; Lee, Dung-Yang, PhD ; Kaper, Mathilde, MA ; McKean, Meredith, MD ; Beckermann, Kathryn E, MD ; Rubinstein, Samuel M, MD ; Rooney, Isabelle, MD ; Musib, Luna, PhD ; Budha, Nageshwar, PhD ; Hsu, Jessie, PhD ; Nowicki, Theodore S, MD ; Avila, Alexandre, MD ; Haas, Tomas, MS ; Puligandla, Maneka, MS ; Lee, Sandra, ScD ; Fang, Shenying, MD ; Wargo, Jennifer A, MD ; Gershenwald, Jeffrey E, Prof ; Lee, Jeffrey E, Prof ; Hwu, Patrick, Prof ; Chapman, Paul B, Prof ; Sosman, Jeffrey A, Prof ; Schadendorf, Dirk, Prof ; Grob, Jean-Jacques, Prof ; Flaherty, Keith T, Prof ; Walker, Dana, MD ; Yan, Yibing, PhD ; McKenna, Edward, PharmD ; Legos, Jeffrey J, PhD ; Carlino, Matteo S, MD ; Ribas, Antoni, Prof ; Kirkwood, John M, Prof ; Long, Georgina V, Prof ; Johnson, Douglas B, MD ; Menzies, Alexander M, MD ; Davies, Michael A, MD
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2018-03, Vol.19 (3), p.310-322
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    Author / Creator:Long, Georgina V, Prof ; Grob, Jean-Jacques, Prof ; Nathan, Paul, MD ; Ribas, Antoni, Prof ; Robert, Caroline, MD ; Schadendorf, Dirk, Prof ; Lane, Stephen R, MSc ; Mak, Carmen, PhD ; Legenne, Philippe, MD ; Flaherty, Keith T, Prof ; Davies, Michael A, MD
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2016-12, Vol.17 (12), p.1743-1754
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    Author / Creator:Weber, Jeffrey S, Dr ; D'Angelo, Sandra P, MD ; Minor, David, MD ; Hodi, F Stephen, MD ; Gutzmer, Ralf, MD ; Neyns, Bart, MD ; Hoeller, Christoph, MD ; Khushalani, Nikhil I, MD ; Miller, Wilson H, MD ; Lao, Christopher D, MD ; Linette, Gerald P, MD ; Thomas, Luc, MD ; Lorigan, Paul, FRCP ; Grossmann, Kenneth F, MD ; Hassel, Jessica C, MD ; Maio, Michele, MD ; Sznol, Mario, MD ; Ascierto, Paolo A, MD ; Mohr, Peter, MD ; Chmielowski, Bartosz, MD ; Bryce, Alan, MD ; Svane, Inge M, MD ; Grob, Jean-Jacques, MD ; Krackhardt, Angela M, MD ; Horak, Christine, PhD ; Lambert, Alexandre, PhD ; Yang, Arvin S, MD ; Larkin, James, FRCP
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2015-04, Vol.16 (4), p.375-384
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    Author / Creator:Robert, Caroline ; Thomas, Luc ; Bondarenko, Igor ; O'Day, Steven ; M.D, Jeffrey Weber ; Garbe, Claus ; Lebbe, Celeste ; Baurain, Jean-François ; Testori, Alessandro ; Grob, Jean-Jacques ; Davidson, Neville ; Richards, Jon ; Maio, Michele ; Hauschild, Axel ; Miller, Wilson H ; Gascon, Pere ; Lotem, Michal ; Harmankaya, Kaan ; Ibrahim, Ramy ; Francis, Stephen ; Chen, Tai-Tsang ; Humphrey, Rachel ; Hoos, Axel ; Wolchok, Jedd D
    Publisher:Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2011-06, Vol.364 (26), p.2517-2526
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    Author / Creator:Long, Georgina V, MD ; Stroyakovskiy, Daniil, MD ; Gogas, Helen, MD ; Levchenko, Evgeny, MD ; de Braud, Filippo, MD ; Larkin, James, FRCP ; Garbe, Claus, Prof ; Jouary, Thomas, MD ; Hauschild, Axel, Prof ; Grob, Jean-Jacques, Prof ; Chiarion-Sileni, Vanna, MD ; Lebbe, Celeste, Prof ; Mandalà, Mario, MD ; Millward, Michael, Prof ; Arance, Ana, MD ; Bondarenko, Igor, Prof ; Haanen, John B A G, Prof ; Hansson, Johan, Prof ; Utikal, Jochen, Prof ; Ferraresi, Virginia, MD ; Kovalenko, Nadezhda, Prof ; Mohr, Peter, MD ; Probachai, Volodymr, MD ; Schadendorf, Dirk, Prof ; Nathan, Paul, MD ; Robert, Caroline, MD ; Ribas, Antoni, Prof ; DeMarini, Douglas J, PhD ; Irani, Jhangir G, MA ; Swann, Suzanne, PhD ; Legos, Jeffrey J, PhD ; Jin, Fan, MD ; Mookerjee, Bijoyesh, MD ; Flaherty, Keith, MD
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2015-08, Vol.386 (9992), p.444-451
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    Author / Creator:Eggermont, Alexander M M, Prof ; Chiarion-Sileni, Vanna, MD ; Grob, Jean-Jacques, Prof ; Dummer, Reinhard, Prof ; Wolchok, Jedd D, MD ; Schmidt, Henrik, MD ; Hamid, Omid, MD ; Robert, Caroline, Prof ; Ascierto, Paolo A, Prof ; Richards, Jon M, MD ; Lebbé, Céleste, Prof ; Ferraresi, Virginia, MD ; Smylie, Michael, MD ; Weber, Jeffrey S, MD ; Maio, Michele, MD ; Konto, Cyril, MD ; Hoos, Axel, MD ; de Pril, Veerle, MSc ; Gurunath, Ravichandra Karra, MD ; de Schaetzen, Gaetan, PhD ; Suciu, Stefan, PhD ; Testori, Alessandro, MD
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2015-05, Vol.16 (5), p.522-530
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    Author / Creator:Hauschild, Axel, Prof ; Grob, Jean-Jacques, Prof ; Demidov, Lev V, Prof ; Jouary, Thomas, MD ; Gutzmer, Ralf, MD ; Millward, Michael, MD ; Rutkowski, Piotr, PhD ; Blank, Christian U, PhD ; Miller, Wilson H, PhD ; Kaempgen, Eckhart, PhD ; Martín-Algarra, Salvador, PhD ; Karaszewska, Boguslawa, MD ; Mauch, Cornelia, Prof ; Chiarion-Sileni, Vanna, MD ; Martin, Anne-Marie, PhD ; Swann, Suzanne, PhD ; Haney, Patricia, BSN ; Mirakhur, Beloo, PhD ; Guckert, Mary E, MSN ; Goodman, Vicki, MD ; Chapman, Paul B, MD
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2012-07, Vol.380 (9839), p.358-365
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    Author / Creator:Ascierto, Paolo A, Dr ; Del Vecchio, Michele, MD ; Robert, Caroline, Prof ; Mackiewicz, Andrzej, Prof ; Chiarion-Sileni, Vanna, MD ; Arance, Ana, MD ; Lebbé, Céleste, Prof ; Bastholt, Lars, MD ; Hamid, Omid, MD ; Rutkowski, Piotr, Prof ; McNeil, Catriona, MD ; Garbe, Claus, Prof ; Loquai, Carmen, MD ; Dreno, Brigitte, Prof ; Thomas, Luc, Prof ; Grob, Jean-Jacques, Prof ; Liszkay, Gabriella, Prof ; Nyakas, Marta, MD ; Gutzmer, Ralf, Prof ; Pikiel, Joanna, MD ; Grange, Florent, MD ; Hoeller, Christoph, MD ; Ferraresi, Virginia, MD ; Smylie, Michael, MD ; Schadendorf, Dirk, Prof ; Mortier, Laurent, Prof ; Svane, Inge Marie, MD ; Hennicken, Delphine, MSc ; Qureshi, Anila, MD ; Maio, Michele, MD
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2017-05, Vol.18 (5), p.611-622
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    Author / Creator:Long, Georgina V, Prof ; Luke, Jason J, MD ; Khattak, Muhammad A, Prof ; de la Cruz Merino, Luis, MD ; Del Vecchio, Michele, MD ; Rutkowski, Piotr, Prof ; Spagnolo, Francesco, MD ; Mackiewicz, Jacek, Prof ; Chiarion-Sileni, Vanna, MD ; Kirkwood, John M, MD ; Robert, Caroline, MD ; Grob, Jean-Jacques, Prof ; de Galitiis, Federica, MD ; Schadendorf, Dirk, Prof ; Carlino, Matteo S, MD ; Mohr, Peter, MD ; Dummer, Reinhard, MD ; Gershenwald, Jeffrey E, MD ; Yoon, Charles H, MD ; Wu, Xi Lawrence, DrPH ; Fukunaga-Kalabis, Mizuho, MD ; Krepler, Clemens, MD ; Eggermont, Alexander M M, Prof ; Ascierto, Paolo A, MD
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2022-11, Vol.23 (11), p.1378-1388
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