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我用維基解密挑戰世界 : 揭露維基解密創辦人亞桑傑的真實面貌 = The most dangerous man in the world / 安德魯.福勒(Andrew Fowler)著 ; 江裕真譯.
Wo yong wei ji jie mi tiao zhan shi jie : jie lou wei ji jie mi chuang ban ren Yasangjie de zhen shi mian mao = the most dangerous man in the world / Andelu Fule (Andrew Fowler) zhu ; Jiang Yuzhen yi.
Author / Creator:Fowler, Andrew John.
Publisher:Taibei Shi : Shang zhou chu ban, 2012. | 臺北市 : 商周出版, 2012.
Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
Call Numbers:352.379/1
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