5 results for Ozer,+H+G

5 results for Ozer,+H+G

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    Author / Creator:Dorrance, A M ; Neviani, P ; Ferenchak, G J ; Huang, X ; Nicolet, D ; Maharry, K S ; Ozer, H G ; Hoellarbauer, P ; Khalife, J ; Hill, E B ; Yadav, M ; Bolon, B N ; Lee, R J ; Lee, L J ; Croce, C M ; Garzon, R ; Caligiuri, M A ; Bloomfield, C D ; Marcucci, G
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Leukemia, 2015-11, Vol.29 (11), p.2143-2153
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    Author / Creator:Ozer, E ; Naiboglu, B ; Karapinar, U ; Agrawal, A ; Ozer, H G ; Schuller, D E
    Publisher:Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press
    Journal title:Journal of laryngology and otology, 2013-07, Vol.127 (7), p.676-680
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    Author / Creator:Woyach, Jennifer A ; Ruppert, Amy S ; Heerema, Nyla A ; Zhao, Weiqiang ; Booth, Allison M ; Ding, Wei ; Bartlett, Nancy L ; Brander, Danielle M ; Barr, Paul M ; Rogers, Kerry A ; Parikh, Sameer A ; Coutre, Steven ; Hurria, Arti ; Brown, Jennifer R ; Lozanski, Gerard ; Blachly, James S ; Ozer, Hatice G ; Major-Elechi, Brittny ; Fruth, Briant ; Nattam, Sreenivasa ; Larson, Richard A ; Erba, Harry ; Litzow, Mark ; Owen, Carolyn ; Kuzma, Charles ; Abramson, Jeremy S ; Little, Richard F ; Smith, Scott E ; Stone, Richard M ; Mandrekar, Sumithra J ; Byrd, John C
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2018-12, Vol.379 (26), p.2517-2528
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