14 results for Tan,+Martha

14 results for Tan,+Martha

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    Author / Creator:Shojaei, Farbod ; Wu, Xiumin ; Qu, Xueping ; Kowanetz, Marcin ; Yu, Lanlan ; Tan, Martha ; Meng, Y. Gloria ; Ferrara, Napoleone
    Publisher:United States: National Academy of Sciences
    Journal title:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS, 2009-04, Vol.106 (16), p.6742-6747
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    Author / Creator:Kowanetz, Marcin ; Wu, Xiumin ; Lee, John ; Tan, Martha ; Hagenbeek, Thijs ; Qu, Xueping ; Yu, Lanlan ; Ross, Jed ; Korsisaari, Nina ; Cao, Tim ; Bou-Reslan, Hani ; Kallop, Dara ; Weimer, Robby ; Ludlam, Mary J. C. ; Kaminker, Joshua S. ; Modrusan, Zora ; van Bruggen, Nicholas ; Peale, Franklin V. ; Carano, Richard ; Meng, Y. Gloria ; Ferrara, Napoleone
    Publisher:United States: National Academy of Sciences
    Journal title:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS, 2010-12, Vol.107 (50), p.21248-21255
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    Author / Creator:Phan, Vernon T. ; Wu, Xiumin ; Cheng, Jason H. ; Sheng, Rebecca X. ; Chung, Alicia S. ; Zhuang, Guanglei ; Tran, Christopher ; Song, Qinghua ; Kowanetz, Marcin ; Sambrone, Amy ; Tan, Martha ; Meng, Y. Gloria ; Jackson, Erica L. ; Peale, Franklin V. ; Junttila, Melissa R. ; Ferrara, Napoleone
    Publisher:United States: National Academy of Sciences
    Journal title:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS, 2013-04, Vol.110 (15), p.6079-6084
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    Author / Creator:Seshasayee, Dhaya ; Lee, Wyne P ; Zhou, Meijuan ; Shu, Jean ; Suto, Eric ; Zhang, Juan ; Diehl, Laurie ; Austin, Cary D ; Meng, Y Gloria ; Tan, Martha ; Bullens, Sherron L ; Seeber, Stefan ; Fuentes, Maria E ; Labrijn, Aran F ; Graus, Yvo M F ; Miller, Lisa A ; Schelegle, Edward S ; Hyde, Dallas M ; Wu, Lawren C ; Hymowitz, Sarah G ; Martin, Flavius
    Publisher:United States: American Society for Clinical Investigation
    Journal title:The Journal of clinical investigation, 2007-12, Vol.117 (12), p.3868-3878
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    Author / Creator:Brightbill, Hans D ; Jeet, Surinder ; Lin, Zhonghua ; Yan, Donghong ; Zhou, Meijuan ; Tan, Martha ; Nguyen, Allen ; Yeh, Sherry ; Delarosa, Donnie ; Leong, Steven R ; Wong, Terence ; Chen, Yvonne ; Ultsch, Mark ; Luis, Elizabeth ; Ramani, Sree Ranjani ; Jackman, Janet ; Gonzalez, Lino ; Dennis, Mark S ; Chuntharapai, Anan ; DeForge, Laura ; Meng, Y Gloria ; Xu, Min ; Eigenbrot, Charles ; Lee, Wyne P ; Refino, Canio J ; Balazs, Mercedesz ; Wu, Lawren C
    Publisher:United States: American Society for Clinical Investigation
    Journal title:The Journal of clinical investigation, 2010-06, Vol.120 (6), p.2218-2229
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    Author / Creator:Escobedo-GraciaMedrano, Rosa M ; Maldonado-Borges, Josefina I ; Burgos-Tan, Martha J ; Valadez-González, Nina ; Ku-Cauich, José R
    Publisher:Dordrecht: Springer-Verlag
    Journal title:Plant cell, tissue and organ culture, 2014-02, Vol.116 (2), p.175-185
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    Author / Creator:Hsueh, Martha ; Dorcy, Kathleen
    Publisher:United States: Oncology Nursing Society
    Journal title:Clinical journal of oncology nursing, 2016-06, Vol.20 (3), p.240-243
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    Author / Creator:Shojaei, Farbod ; Wu, Xiumin ; Zhong, Cuiling ; Yu, Lanlan ; Liang, Xiao-Huan ; Yao, Jenny ; Blanchard, Dominique ; Bais, Carlos ; Peale, Franklin V. ; van Bruggen, Nicholas ; Ho, Calvin ; Ross, Jed ; Tan, Martha ; Carano, Richard A. D. ; Meng, Y. Gloria ; Ferrara, Napoleone
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Nature, 2007-12, Vol.450 (7171), p.825-831
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    Author / Creator:Hsueh, Martha Tan-Fu ; Dorcy, Kathleen Shannon
    Publisher:Oncology Nursing Society
    Journal title:Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 2016, Vol.20 (3), p.240
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    Author / Creator:Brightbill, Hans D ; Jeet, Surinder ; Lin, Zhonghua ; Yan, Donghong ; Zhou, Meijuan ; Tan, Martha ; Nguyen, Allen ; Yeh, Sherry ; Delarosa, Donnie ; Leong, Steven R ; Wong, Terence ; Chen, Yvonne ; Ultsch, Mark ; Luis, Elizabeth ; Ramani, Sree Ranjani ; Jackman, Janet ; Gonzalez, Lino ; Dennis, Mark S ; Chuntharapai, Anan ; DeForge, Laura ; Meng, Y. Gloria ; Xu, Min ; Eigenbrot, Charles ; Lee, Wyne P ; Refino, Canio J ; Balazs, Mercedesz ; Wu, Lawren C
    Publisher:American Society for Clinical Investigation
    Journal title:Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2010, Vol.120 (6), p.2218
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    Author / Creator:Brightbill, Hans D ; Jeet, Surinder ; Lin, Zhonghua ; Yan, Donghong ; Zhou, Meijuan ; Tan, Martha ; Nguyen, Allen ; Yeh, Sherry ; Delarosa, Donnie ; Leong, Steven R ; Wong, Terence ; Chen, Yvonne ; Ultsch, Mark ; Luis, Elizabeth ; Ramani, Sree Ranjani ; Jackman, Janet ; Gonzalez, Lino ; Dennis, Mark S ; Chuntharapai, Anan ; DeForge, Laura ; Meng, Y. Gloria ; Xu, Min ; Eigenbrot, Charles ; Lee, Wyne P ; Refino, Canio J ; Balazs, Mercedesz ; Wu, Lawren C
    Publisher:American Society for Clinical Investigation
    Journal title:Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2010, Vol.120 (6), p.2218
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