2 results for Volorio,+Angela

2 results for Volorio,+Angela

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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Boulay, Gaylor ; Broye, Liliane C. ; Dong, Rui ; Iyer, Sowmya ; Sanalkumar, Rajendran ; Xing, Yu-Hang ; Buisson, Rémi ; Rengarajan, Shruthi ; Naigles, Beverly ; Duc, Benoît ; Volorio, Angela ; Awad, Mary E. ; Renella, Raffaele ; Chebib, Ivan ; Nielsen, G. Petur ; Choy, Edwin ; Cote, Gregory M. ; Zou, Lee ; Letovanec, Igor ; Stamenkovic, Ivan ; Rivera, Miguel N. ; Riggi, Nicolò
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Nature communications, 2024-08, Vol.15 (1), p.7460-17, Article 7460
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    Author / Creator:Jerby, Livnat ; Neftel, Cyril ; Shore, Marni E ; Mcbride, Matthew J ; Haas, Brian ; Izar, Benjamin ; Weissman, Hannah R ; Volorio, Angela ; Boulay, Gaylor ; Cironi, Luisa ; Richman, Alyssa R ; Broye, Liliane C ; Gurski, Joseph M ; Luo, Christina C ; Mylvaganam, Ravindra ; Nguyen, Lan ; Mei, Shaolin ; Melms, Johannes C ; Georgescu, Christophe ; Cohen, Ofir ; Buendia-Buendia, Jorge E ; Cuoco, Michael S ; Labes, Danny ; Zollinger, Daniel R ; Beechem, Joseph M ; Nielsen, Petur ; Chebib, Ivan ; Cote, Gregory ; Choy, Edwin ; Letovanec, Igor ; Cherix, Stephane ; Wagle, Nikhil ; Sorger, Peter K ; Haynes, Alex B ; Mullen, John T ; Stamenkovic, Ivan ; Rivera, Miguel N ; Kadoch, Cigall ; Rozenblatt-Rosen, Orit ; Suva, Mario L ; Riggi, Nicolo ; Regev, Aviv
    Publisher:Cold Spring Harbor: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
    Journal title:bioRxiv, 2019-08
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