160,556 results for population-based

160,556 results for population-based

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    Building STINMOD's base population / by Richard Perciva...

    Author / Creator:Percival, Richard.
    Publisher:Canberra : National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling, University of Canberra, 1994.
    Call Numbers:N339.22/14
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    Publisher:New York : United Nations, 1990.
    Call Numbers:NQ351.815021/1
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    Author / Creator:De Angelis, Roberta, MSc ; Sant, Milena, MD ; Coleman, Michel P, Prof ; Francisci, Silvia, PhD ; Baili, Paolo, MSc ; Pierannunzio, Daniela, PhD ; Trama, Annalisa, MD ; Visser, Otto, MD ; Brenner, Hermann, Prof ; Ardanaz, Eva, MD ; Bielska-Lasota, Magdalena, Prof ; Engholm, Gerda, MSc ; Nennecke, Alice, MD ; Siesling, Sabine, PhD ; Berrino, Franco, MD ; Capocaccia, Riccardo, MSc
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2014, Vol.15 (1), p.23-34
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    Author / Creator:PEYRIN-BIROULET, Laurent ; SCOTT HARMSEN, W ; TREMAINE, William J ; ZINSMEISTER, Alan R ; SANDBORN, William J ; LOFTUS, Edward V
    Publisher:Basingstoke: Nature Publishing Group
    Journal title:The American journal of gastroenterology, 2012-11, Vol.107 (11), p.1693-1701
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    Author / Creator:Pollán, Marina ; Pérez-Gómez, Beatriz ; Pastor-Barriuso, Roberto ; Oteo, Jesús ; Pérez-Olmeda, Mayte ; Sanmartín, Jose L ; Fernández-García, Aurora ; Cruz, Israel ; Fernández de Larrea, Nerea ; Molina, Marta ; Rodríguez-Cabrera, Francisco ; Martín, Mariano ; Merino-Amador, Paloma ; León Paniagua, Jose ; Muñoz-Montalvo, Juan F ; Blanco, Faustino ; Yotti, Raquel ; Blanco, Faustino ; Gutiérrez Fernández, Rodrigo ; Martín, Mariano ; Mezcua Navarro, Saturnino ; Molina, Marta ; Muñoz-Montalvo, Juan F. ; Salinero Hernández, Matías ; Sanmartín, Jose L. ; Cuenca-Estrella, Manuel ; Yotti, Raquel ; León Paniagua, José ; Fernández de Larrea, Nerea ; Fernández-Navarro, Pablo ; Pastor-Barriuso, Roberto ; Pollán, Marina ; Avellón, Ana ; Fedele, Giovanni ; Fernández-García, Aurora ; Oteo Iglesias, Jesús ; Cruz, Israel ; Fernandez Martinez, Maria Elena ; Rodríguez-Cabrera, Francisco D. ; Hernán, Miguel A. ; Padrones Fernández, Susana ; Rumbao Aguirre, José Manuel ; Navarro Marí, José M. ; Palop Borrás, Begoña ; Pérez Jiménez, Ana Belén ; Rodríguez-Iglesias, Manuel ; Calvo Gascón, Ana María ; Lou Alcaine, María Luz ; Donate Suárez, Ignacio ; Suárez Álvarez, Oscar ; Rodríguez Pérez, Mercedes ; Cases Sanchís, Margarita ; Carbo Saladrigas, Lluis ; Hurtado Fernández, Adoración ; Oliver, Antonio ; Castro Feliciano, Elías ; González Quintana, María Noemí ; Barrasa Fernández, José María ; Hernández Betancor, María Araceli ; Hernández Febles, Melisa ; López López, Luis-Mariano ; Ugarte Miota, Teresa ; De Benito Población, Inés ; Celada Pérez, María Sagrario ; Maté Enríquez, Tomás ; Villa Arranz, Miguel ; Domínguez-Gil González, Marta ; Fernández-Natal, Isabel ; Megías Lobón, Gregoria ; Muñoz Bellido, Juan Luis ; Ciruela, Pilar ; Mas i Casals, Ariadna ; Doladé Botías, Maria ; Marcos Maeso, M. Angeles ; Pérez del Campo, Dúnia ; Félix de Castro, Antonio ; Limón Ramírez, Ramón ; Elías Retamosa, Maria Francisca ; Blanco Lobeiras, María Sinda ; Aguilera, Antonio ; Bou, German ; Caro, Yolanda ; Marauri, Noemí ; Soria Blanco, Luis Miguel ; del Cura González, Isabel ; Hernández Pascual, Montserrat ; Alonso Fernández, Roberto ; Merino-Amador, Paloma ; Cabrera Castro, Natalia ; Tomás Lizcano, Aurora ; Ramírez Almagro, Cristóbal ; Segovia Hernández, Manuel ; Ascunce Elizaga, Nieves ; Ederra Sanz, María ; Ezpeleta Baquedano, Carmen ; Bustinduy Bascaran, Ana ; Iglesias Tamayo, Susana ; Elorduy Otazua, Luis ; Lopera Flores, Jesús ; Vázquez de la Villa, Antonia
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2020-08, Vol.396 (10250), p.535-544
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    Author / Creator:Debras, Charlotte ; Chazelas, Eloi ; Srour, Bernard ; Druesne-Pecollo, Nathalie ; Esseddik, Younes ; Szabo de Edelenyi, Fabien ; Agaësse, Cédric ; De Sa, Alexandre ; Lutchia, Rebecca ; Gigandet, Stéphane ; Huybrechts, Inge ; Julia, Chantal ; Kesse-Guyot, Emmanuelle ; Allès, Benjamin ; Andreeva, Valentina A ; Galan, Pilar ; Hercberg, Serge ; Deschasaux-Tanguy, Mélanie ; Touvier, Mathilde
    Publisher:United States: Public Library of Science
    Journal title:PLoS medicine, 2022-03, Vol.19 (3), p.e1003950
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    Author / Creator:Koloski, N A ; Jones, M ; Kalantar, J ; Weltman, M ; Zaguirre, J ; Talley, N J
    Publisher:London: BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and British Society of Gastroenterology
    Journal title:Gut, 2012-09, Vol.61 (9), p.1284-1290
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