Volume 73: Macarthur family memoran...
Volume 73: Macarthur family memoranda and accounts relating to wine, 1838-1930
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Showing 1 - 30 out of 30 grouped results
Volume 73: Macarthur family memoran...
Volume 73: Macarthur family memoranda and accounts relating to wine, 1838-1930
Volume 70 Item 07: Macarthur family...
Volume 70 Item 07: Macarthur family record of character and descriptions of fleeces, 1844
Volume 104: Macarthur family day bo...
Volume 104: Macarthur family day book of receipts and expenditure at Elizabeth Farm, 1821-1823
Volume 70 Item 03: Macarthur family...
Volume 70 Item 03: Macarthur family record of character and descriptions of fleeces, [1836?]
Volume 86: Macarthur family papers...
Volume 86: Macarthur family papers relating to National Schools, Camden and district, 1849-1871
Volume 101 Item 02-Item 04: Macarth...
Volume 101 Item 02-Item 04: Macarthur family butter sales books, 1859-1878
Volume 77: Accounts relating to Cam...
Volume 77: Accounts relating to Camden Park furniture and pictures, 1835-1900
Volume 70 Item 04: Macarthur family...
Volume 70 Item 04: Macarthur family record of character and descriptions of fleeces, [1836?]
Photographic portrait of Macarthur family members
Public Works Department plan dated 19 July 1873 of part of the Parramatta River [cartographic materi...
Volume 82: Camden Park farm work, A...
Volume 82: Camden Park farm work, April 1880-July 1881, November-December 1888
Volume 88 Item 10: Cash payments on...
Volume 88 Item 10: Cash payments on account of repairs to Great South Road, June 1847-February 1848
Volume 70 Item 06: Macarthur family...
Volume 70 Item 06: Macarthur family record of character and descriptions of fleeces, 1841?
Volume 90: Macarthur family receipt...
Volume 90: Macarthur family receipts relating to roads in the Camden district, 1846-1862
Volume 098 Item 04: Receipt book fo...
Volume 098 Item 04: Receipt book for interest due on purchases of lots at the Pyrmont Estate, 1840-1...
Volume 88 Item 09: Macarthur family...
Volume 88 Item 09: Macarthur family memorandum book and list of cheques relating to roads, 1847-1848
The female in this portrait wears a a day dress of white cotton, with a deep cape collar that extend...
[Macarthur family portrait, possibly daughter of John and Elizabeth Macarthur, 1825 - watercolour on...
Series 03: Emmeline Leslie - King, Leslie and Macarthur family portraits, 1840-1875
Rough sketch of suggestions respecting a railway terminus on the shore of the Ultimo Estate, and for...
Volume 89: Macarthur family papers...
Volume 89: Macarthur family papers relating to roads in Camden district and Parramatta Road, 1828-18...
Volume 70 Item 05: Macarthur family...
Volume 70 Item 05: Macarthur family record of character and descriptions of fleeces, 1837
Front Cover
Front Cover
Volume 85: Camden Park school roll...
Volume 85: Camden Park school roll books and correspondence, 1841-1879
Volume 88 Item 08: Memorandum book...
Volume 88 Item 08: Memorandum book relating to expenditure upon public roads, June-July 1847
Volume 70 Item 02: Macarthur family...
Volume 70 Item 02: Macarthur family record of character and descriptions of fleeces, [1836?]
Plan of part of the Parramatta River showing wharf [cartographic material] [Album view]
Macarthur family portrait, possibly daughter of John and Elizabeth Macarthur, 1825 - verso of waterc...
Macarthur family portrait, ca. 1820s - verso of watercolour
Photographic portrait of Macarthur family members