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Author / Creator:Kinnaman, Michael D ; Zaccaria, Simone ; Makohon-Moore, Alvin ; Arnold, Brian ; Levine, Max ; Gunes Gundem ; Arango Ossa, Juan E ; Glodzik, Dominik ; Rodriguez Sanchez, M Irene ; Bouvier, Nancy ; Li, Shanita ; Stockfisch, Emily ; Dunigan, Marisa ; Cobbs, Cassidy ; Bhanot, Umesh ; You, Daoqi ; Mullen, Katelyn ; Melchor, Jerry ; Ortiz, Michael V ; O'donohue, Tara ; Slotkin, Emily ; Wexler, Leonard H ; Dela Cruz, Filemon S ; Hameed, Meera ; Glade Bender, Julia L ; Tap, William D ; Meyers, Paul ; Papaemmanuil, Elli ; Kung, Andrew L ; Iacobuzio-Donahue, Christine A
Publisher:Cold Spring Harbor: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
Journal title:bioRxiv, 2023-01
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