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慾望城市 = Sex and the city / 甘黛絲 布姝乃爾 (Candace Bushnell) 著 ; [葉淑燕譯 ].
Yu wang cheng shi = Sex and the city / Gandaisi Bushunai'er (Candace Bushnell) zhu ; [Ye Shuyan yi].
Author / Creator:Bushnell, Candace.
Publisher:Taibei Xian Yonghe Shi : Dao tian chu ban you xian gong si, 2010. | 台北縣永和市 : 稻田出版有限公司, 2010.
Edition:Xiu ding chu ban. | 修訂初版.
Call Numbers:CHI/306.7/BUS
For use in the Library